Chapter 6 - Mom's

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I put my arm behind my head as I lay by myself on the football field. It was a Friday and no one was here because school had ended four hours ago. I just needed to get away for a little while. Too many people at home and I really didn't want to talk to Dante right now. It was my day off and I decided to take the day for myself.

I haven't been feeling like myself for the past week. I feel so tired and depressed. And no I'm not a suicidal person. Never have been even when I felt like not living anymore. It's just not the way out. I have to work through it until it gets better.

As for my emotions. They're all over the place. One minute I can be the happiest I've been all day and then a couple of hours later I'm so empty. I don't even know why I feel this way. I have a good life right now. I have my brothers. An amazing home. A loving mom. Yes, mom. One day I hope I could call Sandra that. Everything was good. I couldn't have it any better. So why do I feel this way?

Kept repeating that question in my head for the past four hours.

The sun was beating down on my face making me feel a little sweaty as I was in a blue champion sweater. I raised my knee up as the other one laid flat on the ground. My black jeans shined a little from the sunlight. Maybe I shouldn't have worn jeans knowing it would be warm outside. I sighed and closed my eyes. As I thought I was just resting them I ended up falling asleep.

A deep voice and a flashing light woke me up out of my sleep. I opened my eyes before quickly covering them with my arm as a flashlight was flashing away in my eyes. I finally looked up and saw a tall man with a scruffy black beard looking down upon me. I looked at his outfit to realize it was an officer.

"You can't be here anymore, kid" he announced.

"I'm sorry, I just fell asleep. I'll leave now" I mumbled and stood up grabbing my things. The officer watched me with a close eye. I threw my bag over my shoulder. As I walked away I opened my phone to see it was 1 am and I had 30 missed calls from my brothers and mom. Even a couple from Dante. I sighed for being stupid and not leaving a couple of hours ago.

I heard a door shut and realized the officer got back in his car. I walked back home silently. It was late out and I never walked home this dark at night. As I arrived home all the lights were off. Making me send thanks to the lord. I wasn't in the mood for a lecture.

I jiggled my keys a little as I walked up the steps before I could even put the key in the door. The front door opened to Lorenzo. He had an upset look on his face making me grimace. He pulled me inside and shut and locked the door. He turned back towards me with his arms crossed. Lorenzo looked at me with an expression to explain.

I sighed in my head and threw my bag on the floor. He tapped his foot like a dad and it made me let out a laugh. He huffed underneath his breath. Grabbed me up by my shirt and pushed me against the wall.

"You think this is funny, huh? It's not gonna be funny anymore when you could be lying in some alley dead. You've seen what could happen to people. And you were so careless to go somewhere without telling one of us. I know you are smart but can you defend yourself? Learn before going anywhere you want" Lorenzo growled out making me get a little scared.

"You had all of us worried about you. Daniel couldn't even sleep until he took some sleeping pills because he was worried about your ass. Don't fuck up again." He roughly said gripping my shirt a little harder before letting go with a sigh. I was shaking silently as he ran his fingers through his hair.

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