Chapter 15 - Brandon

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It's been a couple of days since we found out about Lucifer's brother. Well, little brother, I presume. Christian's birth records were kept top secret. A word from Dante's connections in the prison told us that. Which also told us that DW is way bigger than we thought. We had no other way to find out who Christian's family was.

Dante left two days ago for Italy. He had important business back there with the Italian mafia. He filled me in on most of what he does. I wasn't the least bit surprised once I figured out that most of the people in Dante's gang were Italian or raised there.

Dante left with a parting gift. That gift was the duo of Stefan and Antonio. The two were interesting and funny if I must say. They were starting to grow on me. Though they did have some annoying traits. Such as, Stefan was very loud and hyper most of the time. Antonio on the other hand didn't annoy me much but he definitely did annoy my brother Daniel. Who avoided the persistent man every chance he got.

Dante left them in charge while he was gone and also to protect us. Lorenzo actually went with Dante to Italy. They didn't tell me much but I think the two of them are coming up with some hidden plan. I did not like being left out but I didn't question it.

Sandra agreed to let Lorenzo go since it was his birthday and he turned 19. He couldn't be gone any longer than a week because of school. He was also supposed to check in with us every night.

Fern and I plan to do some digging of our own though. We both were itching to find out who this dick head leader was but It could wait for now. We needed some normal back into our lives so we made plans with Angie and Daniel to go hiking.

Fern and I were trying to get healthier. We've been forcing ourselves to go jogging and running almost every other day to build up our stamina. I couldn't run that far and that was worrisome. At first, my lungs and knees would give out around 10 minutes but as we built up our endurance I can make it to about 18-20 minutes now.

"Do you think they're going to follow us to the hiking trails? They're on our asses 24/7." Fern asked pulling up in the parking space next to Angie's car.

"I assume they will since Dante gave them direct orders. We will just ignore them." I shrugged getting out of the car.

I looked back towards the black SUV parked further behind us, watching us. It somewhat made me feel safe that they were here just in case anything happened. I appreciated it but sometimes it was annoying. They constantly reported back to Dante about every little thing I was doing.

I looked at Daniel who was tapping one foot then the other repeatedly meaning he was getting angsty and wanting to get away from the watching eyes of his number one fan. I chuckled lowly and knocked a bit harshly on Angie's tinted window. She jumped startled before looking at me with a fierce glare. I could hear Fern laughing beside me and Angie gave him the middle finger.

We did one hiking trail which happened to be the easiest one before all of us gave up and were ready to do what we really came for. Smoke some good kush. Angie comes to the dense forest often and knew a spot we could chill at. It was a beautiful small waterfall. The water moved smoothly down the small crisp stream and glided over uneven rocks that were closer to the slow-paced water. We sat comfortably on a few larger rocks a little further from the stream to not get wet or accidentally fall in.

Fern pulled out a container with at least an ounce of weed inside. Angie pulled out her own bag and some rolling papers. Fern wasn't a pothead but he did smoke every other day. I didn't smoke often and if I did it was moments like this. Relaxing with people I felt comfortable getting stoned with. I tried smoking on my own when I was thirteen and I got paranoid as fuck, so I never did it again by myself.

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