Chapter 13 - Conflict

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Fern decided to stay with me during my shift to make sure I was going to be safe. I appreciate it but he was worrying more about me than himself. He sat at the bar part of the diner eating vanilla ice cream with strawberries that he demanded I gave him halfway into my shift. Lorenzo spoils him too much. He's very demanding now.

I sighed tiredly just wanting this shift to be over with already. I had about two hours left of my shift and then I was off at six. My phone dang in my back pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from Daniel.

Daniel: You still at work?

Grayson: Yes?

Daniel: Ok, I'm coming to get some free food. I'm hungry.

Grayson: Alright.

I rolled my eyes at him and put my phone back into my jean pocket. Of course, his fat ass would come just to get some free food. There was plenty of food at home but Daniel rarely cooked unless Lorenzo forced him to.

A couple of minutes later Daniel walked in dressed in black sweatpants and a oversized long sleeve black shirt. He practically skipped over to Fern and plopped in the seat next to him. Fern was still eating his ice cream and he looked at Daniel through the corner of his eye. He gave him a smile before returning to his ice cream and Daniel chuckled.

"It's that good?" Daniel questioned with a low chuckle.

"Yup, Grayson brings me some to my house all the time. I think he steals it for me and it just warms my heart." Fern said in awe and I chuckled lightly at his exaggeration.

"Yea I can totally see that for Grayson. He's a dirty thief," Daniel said going along with the story.

"Excuse me, I'm right here." I waved.

"I noticed. Can you get me chicken tenders, and fries, with a side of ranch? Thanks." Daniel said then grinned at me when I just stared at him blankly.

"Of course, sir. Can't be sure they won't spit in the food once I say you aren't paying for shit." I shrugged nonchalantly and he looked at me in horror. I was joking with him but the expression on his face was priceless. I was friends with the owner and he didn't mind when I gave my friends or family free food. As long as it wasn't large amounts. I walked into the kitchen and put in the order for Daniel. I then heard the bell that rang every time a new customer came into the diner.

Entering back from in the kitchen I saw a group of boys that looked familiar. Then I noticed they were all wearing the same sweatpants and shirts with a logo on them. It was our school's swim team. The school was closed but I knew that some of our teams still practiced on the weekends. They were waiting by the check in stand to be seated and I rushed over to get them.

"Hello, welcome. How many of you are there?" I asked politely and started grabbing menus.

"There's four of us." The tallest one said with a smile and I remember his name to be Xavier. He was their team captain. They were all built the same when it came to muscle but they all had different heights.

"Ok, you guys can sit wherever you like. I'll bring your menus." I smiled back and grabbed all four menus. They walked to the back of the diner where the booths were. They sat in the largest one all chatting amongst themselves. I brought over the menus and placed each one in front of each of the boys. I brought out my notepad and pen getting ready to ask them what drinks they would like.

"We usually all just get water." The blonde said and everyone else nodded.

"Ok, I'll give you time to read over the menu. Be back with your drinks shortly." I said and placed my notepad and pen back into my apron pocket. I left to get the drinks and I caught the captain eyeing me down. That was weird.

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