Chapter 16 - Liqour Is The Devil ✓

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Warning ~ physical abuse

"Main mission is finding the sexiest but quiet guy in the room. Men who don't speak and just let you take the lead are so hot." Fern clapped from the backseat already burning from the shots we all took before departing. Except for the designated drivers aka Dante and Daniel. One thing about Fern is once the liquor entered his system he started getting horny and his brain immediately went to a big cock. Which wasn't unforeseen to anybody in the vehicle.

North Carolina was always booming at night, predominantly on the weekends. Our small group drove in two separate cars for an hour to get down to Myrtle Beach. We were five minutes away from the club when Brandon gasped in horror when Fern changed the song playing an r&b song instead of the rap that was playing.

"Hello, I was listening to that." He voiced expectantly and glared when Fern ignored him to sing the lyrics out loud. He ended up rolling his eyes but tapping his fingers nonetheless.

"See, no one can ignore Jhene Aiko. Relax big guy" Fern giggled and wrapped his arms around Brandon's thick muscular arm and started making them sway together to the beat. We all started singing the lyrics and the duo in the back who just met each other were currently dancing. I'm certain Lorenzo and Dante were confused when our driver sped into the parking lot.

Daniel leaped out quickly and immediately expressed happiness to get away from the endless chatter from my friends. I strode up to Dante who stood at the front of the club, I smiled at him as he snorted at me pulling me into his side.

"Seems like a lot was going on in that car. Should I be worried about you driving back home with them?" He asked teasingly and I chuckled before brushing my hand up his warm tan neck to his dark locks. "No, just having a good time for the first time in a while." I sighed happily and sadness penetrated his gaze though just as quickly as it emerged it disappeared.

His plump lips turned into a faint smile and he kissed my forehead before we all joined the others inside. The club was dark with flashing LED lights going from dark blue to purple. There were so many people it surprised me how we even managed to get to the bar.

Lorenzo ordered us all shots and we all consumed them gladly. I shivered as the clear liquid burned my throat to then settled in my stomach. I jerked my head in disgust before glancing at Fern who was clapping his hands excitedly while asking my brother to order him another one.

Lorenzo was never the type to deny my short friend so he sighed as called for the bartender. Fern kissed his cheek and bounced on his toes. Lorenzo examined him flabbergasted before a warm hue settled on his cheeks. Fern clearly didn't witness my brother's action because he would've taunted him. His concentration was precisely on the vodka bottle being poured into two shot glasses.

"Wanna dance baby?" Dante whispered huskily into my ear and I shivered once more but not because of the alcohol.

I peeked over to Brandon to make sure he was okay. He was in a deep conversation with Daniel who threw his head back with a noisy laugh. I nodded my head at Dante and he grasped my hand pulling me towards the middle of the space with all the dancing sweaty bodies.

"You're so sexy, you have no idea." Dante rasped into my ear from behind me and I leaned back into him more bringing his head down to give me a slow kiss. We started back grinding on each other while Partynextdoor played. I could feel the large bulge in his pants and it made me move my hips more. His rough hands gripped my hips and stilled them while he placed possessive kisses up and down my neck.

"If we keep going I might just fuck you right here." He said teasingly and I moaned pushing back one more time on his dick before turning around to face him. His eyes were dangerously low and he licked his lips making them glisten in the low light while he looked me over. I chuckled before wrapping my arms around him and pulling him to me so that we could lightly dance without the sexual tension.

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