House of Isis

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House of Isis

Nina's POV

After spending the rest of our break trying to figure out how to get the amulets back, the bell rings, which means our break is over, so we all get up to leave the lounge together.

Nina"What are we going to do, without the amulets, we'll never find the Mask. The mission's over, done, caput. And so are we"

Amber"You never know, Victor might suddenly become all nice and..." 

She pauses when she looks at our vacant expressions.

Amber"What? It could happen."

Fabian"Sure, right after Patricia becomes a guidance counsellor ."

Patricia*snorts* "Like that's gonna happen."

Nina" We just have to keep an eye on Victor he is bound to slip up at some point, Then we're back in business."

-Lounge Room-

Charlie's POV

I am sitting next to my brother and we are both listening to music, he has a ear bud in one ear and I have the other, we look up as she enters.

Mara" Hey, Eddie Charlie, I was wondering if you guys have finished with that piece"

Me and my brother both look at each with a blank expression.

Eddie" What peice is that then?"

Mara" The peice that you two promised you would have done for the website"

Eddie" Oh yeah, that piece, yeah no that's not happened"

Mara*sighs* Eddie, you guys said you would get it done"

Eddie" Well it looks like we didn't doesn't it"

Mara" You promised"

Eddie*chuckles* Yeah I think we have established that, look you have learnt one thing today, never trust my promises"

I watch my brother get up to leave still chuckling to himself.

Eddie" You coming sis?"

Charlie" No I'm going to hang here for a bit"

Eddie" Cool, see you later"

When he leaves Mara sighs clearly in frustration and I sit down beside her. Mara groans in anger.

Mara" He just make me so bad, I just hate him"

She then looks at me and bites her lip.

Mara" Oh sorry"

Charlie" It's okay, he gets on my nerves too"

Mara" Really I thought you were twins"

Charlie" Yeah but even twins fight, even if it's not for very often, look don't tell Eddie but I did the assignment"

I hand over the assignment and Mara smiles.

Mara" Oh Charlie, you are amazing, thank you"

Charlie" Just don't tell my brother, he has the whole bad boy attitude going on and I guess it would be a shame to ruin it"

Mara*smiles* Yeah okay, thanks"

Charlie*smiles* That's okay"

I pass Patricia on the way out and she bumps my shoulder.

Patricia" Weasel twin"

Charlie" Yacker"

Mara's POV

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