House of Strategy

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House of Strategy

Alfie"Guys, help!"

Alfie grabs a hold of the ankle nearest to him, which happens to be Patricia's, as he tries to keep from falling in the hole entirely.

Alfie "Patricia, don't just stand there! Help me!"

Patricia then speeds into action and takes to grabbing Alfie out from the hole.

Alfie"Trixie, you are freakishly strong,"

Patricia"You're welcome,"

Amber"Alfie, are you okay?"

Nicholas" Are you okay dude?"

Alfie then stands up in triumph.

Alfie"The Amazing Alfredo lives to fight another day."

He steps backward slightly, nearing falling into the hole again. As we shout, Patricia grabs his arm before he slips and falls into it.

Nicholas" Perhaps you should move away from the hole"

Fabian"Okay, Look, let's get back to the drawing board. Everyone retrace your steps. Let's get out of here."

Charlie's POV

Jerome, Twinnie and I had headed to school earlier to chat to our dad. Eddie and I sit in the chairs and Jerome was standing over us.

Dad" So what did you three want to talk to me abut?"

Charlie" We wanted to talk about the website competition, we wanted to make sure Mara's piece got entered"

Dad" Oh I thought it had been entered"

Jerome" It wasn't, Joy said she had trouble entering it because of a power outage"

Dad" Well I will give them a call"

Eddie" Thanks dad"

We left his office and brother and boyfriend look at me.

Jerome" I still think we should of told the truth about Joy"

Charlie" I so wanted to, she is such a bitch but did we really want to tell our dad the real reason, when"

Eddie" We could tell everyone else in class, great idea Twinnie"

Charlie" Thanks"

Nicholas's POV

I entered the dining room and Amber is busy shoving food in her backpack, she was clearing all the fruit from the table. Patricia then enters and stands beside me, looking at me. I shake my head.

Patricia "Are you planning a picnic?"

Amber"Supplies for Nina"

Nicholas" Oh my god, yes brilliant idea, she is probably starving, I'll come with you"

Patricia"Or we could spend that time trying to work out how to save her,"

Nicholas"We can't save her if she starves to death first,"

Amber "Nina needs her fruit and veg. Do you want her to get scurvy?"

Fabian then appears with his senet board looking very puzzled. He slips his satchel on the floor and sits in his usual seat.

Fabian"Well, there are a few subtle differences between this game and the one in the task tunnel."

Alfie "Yeah, this one doesn't have hidden trapdoors all over it."

Fabian"The danger squares are marked, but the Anubis guards downstairs are more limited, They don't move."

Alfie"No, they just swivel, and point at you until you go, 'oh!'"

He pushes himself off his chair and onto the floor, pretty accurately demonstrating what happens when a guard points your direction and you're on a danger square.

Fabian"So, in theory, wha—"

Alfie interrupts by getting back into his seat, straightening out his shirt and tie.


Fabian"So in theory, the game downstairs should be easier. We should be able to plot a safe path across to the other side."

Nicholas"A lot of 'shoulds' there, Fabian,"

Fabian"I'm in over my head, It's not just about being clever. We need someone...sneaky."

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