House of Dreams

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Alfie's POV

Like everyone else I look at it in awe, I mean but that's it, that is what we had been looking for.

Nina"The Mask of Anubis,"

Amber "It's so pretty, For a dog mask".

I look at the rest of Sibuna.

Alfie"What are we waiting for?"

I step forward again and the golden light of the Mask disappears and that rumbling returns. Then just as Nina pulls me back a fifth guard rises from the floor and Robert Frobisher Smythe voice echoes.

"The golden prize, will tempt the fool. The wise should heed this golden rule."This game of senet you cannot win. Only the reckless will even begin. One wrong move will seal your fate, an end too dark to contemplate."

Nicholas"An end too dark to contemplate?"

Alfie "Okay, what does that mean?"

Fabian "It means, that we need to be absolutely sure of the rules before we even think about playing.

Patricia "We're thinking of playing?"

Nicholas "She's right, It's too dangerous. This one we do on our own."

Fabian" Nina, I will not let you do this by yourself. Come on, we all got the Mark together. Not just Nina. We can do this."

We all say Sibuna.

Charlie's POV

After our dad has called us to his office, we stand there unamused.

Charlie" You called?"

Eddie" And can we just make a deal that you'll never do that again?"

Dad"Ah, we promised each other we'd make more of an effort.And this is me making an effort.

Twins"Effort appreciated"

Eddie" You couldn't have just texted us?"

Dad" Oh.Please"

He gestures to us to sit down so we both do. He looks at us.

Dad"Um, some of the things that Mara touched on in her article Did you two really write me letters?"

Eddie" For the first couple years, yeah, Addressed to Eric sweet, teacher, UK.

Charlie" I did the same, Jason always said he would deliver them for me but you never got them did you"

Dad" No, I didn't get your letters or your brothers, look I had my reasons for leaving you in America and you with Jason, Charlie"

Eddie" Yeah I know, Elderly parents over here.Visas, blah, blah, blah"

Charlie" You didn't want me so you gave me away"

Dad" They were excuses, of course I wanted you, I wanted you both"


Dad" Yes"

Charlie" So then tell us why"

Dad" I will Soon.When you are both ready"

Eddie" What does that mean? We are ready now"

Charlie" Yeah, tell us"

Dad" Well, it's just that sometimes these things.Aren't quite as black and white as they seem, Um Twins Shouldn't you be getting back to class?"

Eddie" So let me get this straight You call us both by intercom, Talk to us in code about our past"

Charlie" And then you just tell us to get to class?"

Dad" I'm sorry, I made a mistake.It's too soon"

Twins" Nice effort, dad!"

Charlie's POV

We were all sat at the table eating breakfast I was sat next to my brother this time and Jerome was sat next to Mara.

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