Chapter 8 : Therapeutic Friend

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TW : Demonstration of Unhealthy coping mechanisms

Skeppy went home now long after reminding Bad to keep care of his injuries. Skeppy was relieved to see Bad feeling better. Bad seemed to be happier with Skeppy around and that he had a friend to talk to. They didn't speak of what happened between them in the bathroom till they both felt ready and knew what that meant for themselves before they decide what it means for the both of them as a whole. Skeppy felt it was beat this way. He wasn't even sure what encouraged him to do such actions. He was pretty sure Bad initiated but he wasn't sure anymore.

For sure though he was being therapeutic for Bad and that is all he wanted for him at the moment. To feel like he can talk about anything and everything without judgement and he had someone who could comfort him with words and hugs. He knew for sure that Bad was a huger and was a little touchy but was a good guy. He couldn't help but love their time together.

Inseparable in lore and in everything else they do. Living together in the SMP since Skeppy joined. Skeppy had joined the SMP cause Bad had wanted him to stay and join him after griefing Tommy. At the moment though, he needed ease his own stress about if Bad would repeat the harm to himself. He shook it off as he drove, returning home and planning something violent for a round to let of any thoughts that would ruin his day.

He didn't usually go to games in this way, but he wasn't in the mood for anything else. Untill he lost in the first round playing of Bed Wars. That was the game he chose, and he ended up losing in something he was great at. His eyes narrowed at the screen at the look of the winners. He wasn't happy with the names, 'Winsalotin3000' or 'Throwing_Swords'. Though very creative the names didn't ease his mind at all. They seemed to be rubbing it in specifically to Skeppy, getting in his face.

He got off with lightning speed. He yelled on the top of his lungs at this, and punched the table at once and then spun around and went silent. What a couple of jerks. He thought harshly. He began punching the table thinking about punching the life of those two. He wasn't really mad about losing, but more about the way they acted about winning.

He had those rub it in moments, and scream with happiness, but the matter how they acted and how drawn out they made it, continuing in the next round. He continued punching untill he opened his eyes cause the sting. His knuckles were bleeding and were growing swollen . His arms and hands were sore and his throat hurt from yelling. He wanted to continue till every inch of his anger of the two was gone.

His body though couldn't manage continuing the process that destroyed itself. His body was ready to clean it off. He reliezed this was the first time he had done this and led to bleeding knuckles. Swollen, bruised, sore, bit never bleeding. Maybe there was more on his mind then those two.

He reliezed he didn't have disinfectant spray for his wounds. How would he help himself. Maybe he could tell Bad he tripped on the sidewalk on his way inside. The wounds looked possibly caused by falling, he could tell he clenches his fists when falling, that would work.

He would go after he calms down and has it wrapped up enough. He groaned when he had nothing to wrap it up either. He'd have to just have to go do it himself, get the materials at the store. He knew what Bad instructed could also be repeated somewhat on this injury. He'd be fine for sure.

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