What to Take to School

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Luca POV:

"luca? Luca! Wake up!"

I grumble and roll over, pulling my blanket over my head.

"let me try, LUCA WAKE UP!!"

I grimace at the loud noise and cover my ears. Suddenly I feel the cold round barrel of a gun resting against my forehead.

My eyes pop open and I shoot up out of bed, knocking the gun away and scrambling into some kind of martial arts pose. I look around frantically, trying to find my friends, and notice them around me.

Katya's grinning and from the disapproving look of the others, I can guess what happened. They tried to wake me up and when I didn't, Katya resorted to putting a gun to my head so that I would wake up, thinking I would've been caught unawares if I kept sleeping.

I throw a glare towards Katyas direction, then turn and ask Mei what the time is.

"Its 7:15"

"you couldn't have let me get more sleep?! School starts at 8:15!" I groan, annoyed.

"get dressed and come downstairs when you are ready, Alex can help you"

Mei and Katya leave the room, and Alex and I walk over to our closet.

"whats appropriate for school these days? I ask him.

"just put on some jeans, a t-shirt, some converse and a jacket."

I browse my clothing options and find a not completely ripped pair of jeans, along with a white t-shirt. I throw on a black and white varsity jacket on top.

we call the girls back upstairs to discuss what 'equipment' we can bring to the school. My eyes land on the rack of small smoke bombs. I pleading stare at Alex, he looks toward where my gaze last was, and shakes his head.

"no! you are not taking grade A smoke bombs to school! Everyone is allowed one small pistol and a small knife of choice."

"did you guys decide all of this when I was asleep?"


"you couldn't have waited for me?"

Mei interrupts "umm guys? School starts in half an hour"


We troop down the stairs and get our backpacks ready. We put our pistols in a small, concealed pocket within easy reach.

We pack our recording erasers in our pockets and put on our spy gadgets like our watches and bracelets, and the girls clip on their comm earrings so that we can communicate.

We quickly test out the comms, grab a bite to eat and race down to Alex' agency issued vehicle.

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