Oliver and Katya Sitting in a Tree...

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"That was close!" I exclaim.

"You have what we need though right?" Oliver asks.

"Yes. Don't worry." I reply. "Now let's get out of here."

We walk to Alex's car and take a moment to breathe, all of us giddy with adrenaline.

Alex starts up the car after making sure we didn't forget anything and drives us back home.

Suddenly Mikes voice echos through the car. "Mission status?"

"All good." I reply as Kat chimes in.

"We should be moving by Sunday Mike."

"Very well. Shall I expect you all tomorrow?"

"Of course sir." Alex replies.

"Is Oliver with you?" He asks.

"I'm here sir." Oli says.

"Oh wonderful, I take it they've debriefed you?"

"Yes sir." He responds.

"Oh. Good. How are you holding up Oliver? I know what happened in Australia wasn't what we thought, but it turned out okay didnt it?"Mike questions.

"I'm fine sir, no worries. I promise you I won't do anything reckless unless absolutely necessary." Oliver says.

We look at him, curious to what they are talking about. The call ends, leaving us all staring at Oliver, confused.

"What was that about Ols?"Kat asks.

I share a look with Alex, we both know that nickname means trouble.

Kat and Oliver have a bit of a history.. my thoughts turn back to the current situation as we wait for Oli to answer.

"I might've gotten hurt while in Aussie.." he starts. "I may have broken a few ribs." He lifts his shirt slightly to expose the bandage wrapped around his middle section.

"Oh my gosh.. Oli!"

"I didn't wanna tell you in case you wouldn't let me help." He explains.

"How long for it to heal?" I ask.

"I think about two more weeks," he replies. "Not quite sure."

"Wait a minute." Luca chimes in.

To be honest I almost forgot he was there.

"I thought you said you weren't a key player in Australia. So how'd you get hurt?" Luca continues.

"Yeah.. about that." He sneaks a glance at Katya.

I roll my eyes, ugh it's not like they love each other anymore, although they obviously have feelings.. anyway. I shake my head to rid myself of stupid thoughts, we have a job to do.

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