The Bet

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Alex POV:

I'm trying really hard not to laugh right now. The look on Mr. Whites face is priceless.

"Ahem, umm well. I think we will move on from science. We can do the review another time." He says, coughing.

"Oh that's okay, Mr. White. We can do it."

I look over at Katya, she's got her innocent angel face on and is batting her eyelashes towards the teacher. Adding an extra punch, she starts writing the answers to all the questions on the page. She looks at us through her eyelashes and gestures for us to start writing too.

About 15 minutes later, we all hand in our papers to Mr. White.

"Hey, I just wanted to say, I'm really sorry. I was out of line and shouldn't have discriminated against you all. It won't happen again." He promises.

We nod our thanks and walk back to our seats. By the time lunch rolls around, I'm starving. We decide to eat outside because our usual table is taken up by some book club meeting or something.

"Let's go over the plan again." I half-whisper. Since Katya wasn't there last time. She turns her attention to us.

"I know the plan." She says confidently. "We break into Sophias locker, search around, find what we need to, and get out." She lists the steps on her fingers while she recites them.

I blink, my brain in shock. Suddenly her and Mei start giggling. I glare at Mei.

"Did you tell her the plan this morning?" I ask annoyed at my idiocy. She smirks in response as Luca starts to smile, trying to pass Katya something inconspicuously.

"You bet on this didnt you?" I glare at Luca and the others in turn, annoyed by my predictability.

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