The Break-in

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Katya Pov

We all meet up under the oak tree outside the school, waiting for Alex and Oliver to appear.

We have to wait until at least four, till the school clears out so that we can get into the principals office. Eventually Alex and Oliver walk out.

"What took you guys so long? I was dying over here." Luca immediately complains.

We all laugh but quickly get down to business.

"I've already put the chip in Sophias phone, Kat should've had enough time to get it back to Sophia." Mei says.

"Yeah don't worry, she'll find it in class, on the floor... or on the teachers desk." I giggle."Oops!"

Alex rolls his eyes at that last part but shrugs it off.

"Mei, how fast can you hack the firewall?" Alex asks

"I'm not sure, it depends on the system and how good their firewall is."

"Alright. I guess we'll see."

We walk back into the school, luckily no one is around. We sneak through the office and almost get caught by the janitor turning off lights.

I catch my breath. That was close.

We make it into the principals office, grateful for his happy hour at Bobs Bar. He always leaves early on Fridays.

Mei turns on the computer and starts doing her thing. After a few minutes Mei exclaims.

"I'm in!" She scrolls through the schools files. Searching for Adam's address. Suddenly we hear footsteps.

"Dammit. Hide!" I whisper shout.

We clamber under the desk while Luca and Alex try and hide behind the filing cabinets.

"Who's in here? I know I heard something.."

The lights turn on, and Ms. Pierre, the French teacher walks around the room. We all hold our breath barely breathing until she walks out
muttering in French.

We let out a collective sigh of relief and spring back into action. Mei gets what she needs and we walk out to Oliver, who's waiting for us.

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