Sophias Diary

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Hey guys! Finally decided to write more! Don't worry there are more chapters coming! Please comment! I love feedback.


We arrive at the safe house, immediately taking the stash from Sophias locker upstairs, while we put our bags away.

"What do you think is in there?" I ask, worried about what we could find.

"Honestly, probably nothing special." Alex replies.

"You never know," Kat chimes in. "Could be anything."

We finish our conversation and walk upstairs, Luca was already up there to change out of his jeans. We gather in Kats and my room to look through what we found.

"Okay, we got her diary.." Luca smirks, waving a bright pink glitter diary with a pompom pen. Also pink.

"What else Luca?" Alex implores. Smiling at Luca's antics.

"Some kind of planner I think..." Luca trails off, already opening the book with glove tipped fingers.

We gather around Luca, peering into the pages of the book.

"You know, for a Mafia daughter, her writing is actually quite nice." Katya comments.

Luca flips the pages until we find the right ones, the ones for the upcoming week.

"Oh my god" I exclaim, my eye caught on Sophia's plan. Alex quickly snaps photos for reference, and we continue to read.

Tuesday- this week- crash into Adam, make him fall for me

Thursday- this week- go on a date? Get him talking

Friday- this week- convince him to do something together on Sunday evening and convince him to bring me to Sunday dinner if we can't go out

Sunday- this week- dinner with Adam

"She's so manipulative!" I exclaim, after reading through her planner.

"Hah! That's nothing. Come see what she wrote in her diary!" Katya scoffs.

I walk over to Kat who reads the diary entries out loud.

"Dear diary, I took a glance at Adam the other day, he's such a cutie. You know if my dad wasn't breathing down my back with all his stupid Mafia shit, and actually let me date, Adam isn't half-bad. Meredith would try to steal him though, hah! As if she could. Talk about toxicity..."

"She goes on and on like that for another"... she paused flipping the pages.

"Another whole page. Not even related to the topic anymore." Katya states.

"Read the next one." I say.

"Okay. Dear Diary, I crashed into Adam today (on purpose obviously) I even dropped my books all over the floor! I'm such a klutz. You know what he did? He actually picked them up for me! Eeeeee! It was just like all those stupid highschool movies. Somehow I need to convince him that I love him. He already is falling for me.. shouldn't be too hard.. Anyway, my dad is such a ———-. Ughhh. Like dad I get all that mafia stuff but stop breathing down my neck! Geez! What does a girl gotta do to get some peace?"

"She just keeps ranting like that for another two pages." Kat states. "You know I didn't realize she was so shallow." She spits out the last word, as if it got caught in her throat.

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