Broken Mirror

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Luca POV

I stare curiously at Oliver, waiting for him to fully answer my question.

Oliver was part of the team before I joined, so I never actually met him in person. I only knew the stories, man was a legend.

On one of the missions they did in Australia, he took down five, beefy guys all on his own! With his bare hands!

Although I guess that's kinda what ISS and AIS train you for... anyway.

Alex told me he and Katya had a thing like, a year ago. He saved her from being kidnapped by some drug dealers, and almost got shot in the process.

Huh. Seems like he's always getting hurt. That thought brings me back to the current situation at hand.

"Heh. Yeah about that. I kinda was supposed to "fall in love" with one of the girls who was part of the ring.. but only so that we could take her in!" He protests.

"We needed her to trust me. She ended up running me over with her jeep though, so it's fine. Yeah, that's how I got hurt."

"Okay," Meis voice breaks through the silence. "Can we get going now? We've been sitting here for ten minutes!"

"Oh, right. Sorry guys." Alex mutters.

By the time we get home, it's four, for such a little town, Crescent City has a lot of traffic.

We each go upstairs to pack our duffel bags for tomorrow, Oli has already placed his stuff by the door.

I think he dropped by before school to get his things together. After all he isn't going to be here long.

Suddenly Mei shouts. She received an alert from Sophias dad. Mei hacked Sophias phone so that she would receive Sophias texts.

She called it mission broken mirror. Probably because it mirrors Sophias phone. I don't really know.

I look up from packing my bag, I can't seem to find my bubblegum.


"REAL GUM OR THE BLOW UP ONES?!" He shouts in response.

"What do you think?!" I call out to him. Not realizing he had walked in.

"I'm right here. You don't have to shout." He chuckles.

"I cant find them." I explain again, exasperated, frantically going through the closet.

"Did you put them in your bag already?" Alex asks me.

"No I didn't." I reply searching through my bag. "oh."I say as I pull out my gum from my duffel bag.

"Haha. Alex laughs. You must've zoned out or something. Now come on, all our bags are downstairs already."

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