Evasive Manuevers

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Alex POV

I've always admired Carter, even though he can be clumsy and a bit off put at times, but he's also one of the smartest 14 year olds I know.

Mei met him a while back, they were friends back when Mei first came to the US. He was one of her foster brothers or something.

Anyway. He produces two night-night guns for either of us and walks out of the room. We fiddle with the guns for a little while, testing their weight and how they fit into our hands.

I run back to the locker room and put mine in my bag along with my pistol. I take out my sniper rifle and meet Katya outside in the Forest.

We sound the alarm to let people know we are going into the forest so that they clear out and we go through the course, shooting all the mannequins. Lining up our aim and all that.

We most likely won't need to snipe but we have to be prepared for anything.

Once we finish the course we walk back inside to find Luca in the Creation hall. All the labs and testing areas are located here, other than the ones in the Science and Tech division.

We find Luca testing some smoke bombs, he's made quite a few actually. He's got a whole pile on the side I'd say about 20 or so.

We only really need a couple but backups are definitely appreciated. After grabbing Luca we text Mei and Oliver to meet us at the Cafe.

"How'd your driving test go Oliver? Hit any pedestrians?"

"Oh no, almost. Evasive driving is hard." He chuckles. "You have to almost have eyes in the back of your head. I had to look through all the mirrors every three minutes and watch the road at the same time."

"Yeah. I remember when I had to go through that, just wait till they get another car to chase you." I smirk at the expression of shock in his face and turn back to my burger.

"They don't have that at AIS?" Mei asks, curious.

"Not exactly no, we have little jets. It's much faster to get around the Outback, you know?"

"Right. That makes sense." Katya agrees.

"So after lunch, they've set up a sparring tournament for us. We're only going up against eachother though. Everything is classified after all." I state. "Oliver still needs to complete the second stage of evasive driving but he'll join us afterwards."

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