Mr. White's Problem

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Katya POV:

We make it to school with 5 minutes to spare. We leave our special equipment in the trunk of Alex's SUV and clamber up the steps and through the front doors of the school.

We make it to class just a second too late. The hallways were full of people, all pushing and shoving to get to their classes. If the hallways were empty we would've made it.

"Sorry Mr. White, the traffic was slow this morning." Alex says pitifully.

Mr. White gestures toward our seats and gives us a sympathetic look.

"Okay class, we are going to start with some review of grade 9 science and move on from there alright?" He grabs some papers from his desk and hands them out.

"Now, you don't need to answer all of the questions, just try and do your best." He turns to us,

"I know you guys did homeschool these last couple years but I'd still like you to try okay?"

"Mr white?" I ask.

"Just because we were homeschooled doesn't make us any less smarter than the rest of the students here." I say.

He looks at me surprised.

"I- I- didn't mean it that- way." He stutters.

"Really?" Mei steps in. "Because it seems like you did." She adds.

The class looks at us with varying expressions of shock and surprise. Alex and Luca are trying to contain their laughter as they watch Mr.Whites face go red from embarrassment.

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