The Mafia

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Mei POV:

Luca and I race downstairs to meet Alex.

"Hey sorry we were sparring and got caught up in it."

"That's alright," Alex says. "The past few weeks haven't been very exciting for us have they. It's good to keep up your abilities and strength. Let's sit down and eat."

We finish our sushi and lounge on the couch going over our plan to raid Sophie's locker.

"Okay so we finish school at 3:15, I figure the school will be empty by 3:35-3:40?" Isuggest

"Yeah, We can wait around the school or make up excuses to stay behind, and we can sneak back in, find her locker and crack the lock." Alex says.

"Sooo.. what tools do we need?" Luca points out.

"Umm... we need a stethoscope, evidence bags and a duffel bag." I chime in.

"Okay great! We can leave all that in the car during school and just grab it after. Alex says. It's around 10, we need rest. Katya should be home soon but let's get ready for bed."

The next morning, I awake and find Katya looking down at me.

"What time did you get home?" I ask groggily.

"Around 10:30? Sorry if I worried you guys, I didn't think I was gonna be out that late, I didn't wanna risk texting you guys. She invited me to her house, that's where I was. Her parents seem nice." She comments.

"Her parents are the leaders of the Russian mafia!" I exclaim loudly.

"I knowwww... but meeting them and going to her house was useful. Alex would agree with me."

I glare at her. "Be careful, alright?"

"I am, and I will be. At least know we know what the floor plan of her house is. Yeah And because they know me, I can become a diversion if needed. See? It all works out!"

"Girls! School starts in fifteen minutes! Come downstairs!"

Katya and I share a panicked look. I hop out of bed and we both run to the closet to find some clothes.

I quickly grab my laptop and shove it in my bag. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Katya shoving a knife into her jackets sheath.

"Grab the extra duffel bag and the stethoscope, the boys have the evidence bags." I tell her.

"Why do we need those?" She stops what she's doing and looks at me, a confused expression on her face.

I look up from packing my bag.

"Ohhh right, I forgot you weren't with us last night when we discussed this. We are breaking into Sophie's locker today after school."

"Oh, okay."

"GIRLSSSS!!! COME ON WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!!" Alex yells from downstairs.

Katya and I race down the stairs grab an apple, and load ourselves into the car, the boys following behind us.

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