The Sparring Tournament Pt.2

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Alex POV


The fights have finished, I look over at Luca who looks a bit bruised, not sure who won that round.

I won against Olive, although she almost managed to pin me down. I rolled out of it though and caught her arm, pinning it behind her back. She tapped the mat, surrendering.

Katya and Mei fight their first rounds, and poor Carter went up against Mei.

"He should be lucky he wasn't paired with Kat,"I chuckle, talking to Luca.

"Yeah, I don't know the girl Katyas against but Carter is definitely lucky." He laughs.

Mei wins easily against Carter but she goes easy on him, probably not using half her effort.

Katya and the other girl, I think her name is Daisy, they struggle back and forth for a bit, each pinning each other down but neither one wanting to give up.

This went on for a few more minutes until Daisy knocked Katya down with a foot sweep and almost got Katya down for the count, but she rolled out of the way last second, so Daisy tripped over air.

Katya sprung to her feet and tackled Daisy, clearly done with the fights.

The timer rang, jolting me out of my staring. The referee came between the two and they stopped fighting.

I notice Oliver in the corner of the gym, peeking his head in. I look to where he's staring and laugh, of course he's watching Katya.

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