1 / my place

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Kim sunwoo's POV

Just like any other days, I walked to the convenience store to buy some Hites, my favourite beer all the time. The main and actual reason why I always ended up with drinks were because of stress during teenagers but as time passed by it had became a night routine to just go there and enjoy drinking on the bench nearby.

I have a high tolerance with alcohol so two to five cans of them don't really affected me anyway.

I usually went with jacob but he suddenly texted me the last minutes that he had some works to be submitted tonight, so he couldn't come.

After paying for my things, I went out and sit on a bench. I took out the white can from a plastic bag, opening the lid and started taking a sip of it. Letting the liquid flows through my throat, I looked upwards, trying to admire every cloud and star that were floating in the sky. I took another sip as the slow wind touched my face and slightly blew strips of my bangs.

After finishing all two bottles of the beer, I threw them into the green plastic dustin nearby and started making my way back home.

Walking along the alley that was straight to my home, my mind just wandered and looked around, not really thought of anything, effect from all the beers I had drunk earlier.

I looked to the houses to my left and right and then to the street lights, the sky and lastly to the poles along the alley before I noticed a figure leaning against one of the grey poles.I stopped my track. It was a girl ,a long natural brown-haired girl.She was on the tar, hugging both her legs, face buried between her knees.

I knew so well that it was very dangerous for a girl to walk here alone,especially at night as many bad things had happened here before. I sighed and looked at my watch, it showed 12:34 a.m so I ,being the only man here decided to help her.

I slightly tapped over her shoulder to get her attention. It was the stupid in me that just touched her without saying 'excuse me' or anything. She started screaming out so loud that could wake people around up. I was hesitant before I pulled up her face between her knees and covered her mouth tightly in my palm.

She tried her best to let out from my grip but I was stronger and hugged her from the back.

"Shhh.I'm not a bad person I promise. Slow down your voice or else you might wake people up.."

wait, do people act say that they're not any bad guys? ah nevermind..

Her wet and teary eyes looked straight into my eyes, before she finally gave up and shut up.

I lifted her up by her hands"What do you want, sir" she pushed my chest away.

"Why are you here all alone? You know this place is not really safe"

I could see she was startled, trying to find the words.

"I..I..I'm actually lost. I supposed to go to my new apartment but the location is in my phone and my phone battery died..."

"how old are yo- ah nvm" why did i ask her such question, she might thought I was some kind of pervert shi-



I tried asking her if she remembered any words or number of the address but she couldn't remember any.

I could see she was shaking and tried to excuse herself. I stopped her.

"wait- it's very late right now and if you don't mind you can sleep at my place for tonight,i mean.. I'm just around your age and probably not a 'sir' yet." I scratched my back head slightly.

I knew she would declined my offer as we were still complete strangers to each other but her nod really surprised me.


We arrived at the front door of my apartment. I knocked the door and few seconds later the door opened revealing Jacob as he didn't sleep yet.

His eyes suddenly widened and shocked to see a girl standing beside me.He wiped his eyes multiple times before asking.

"Wait...is she real"

"Yeah ,yeah it's a long story I'll tell you inside" I shooed him aside.

"Okay." Jacob nodded and invited us to come inside.

I told her to sit on the couch first. I went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water and gave it to her since maybe she was tired for I didn't know how long she had been sitting on that spot."Oh thank you"

"I'm Jacob, what's your name?" Jacob came over and sit on the other couch opposite to the girl.Jacob was friendly as usual.

"y/n" her voice sounded a little scared and nervous at the same time. I could see her hands were pressing her thighs.

"don't be scared ,we're not bad people" he smiled.

She shook her head slightly, agreeing to what Jacob said.

"We never sleep early and always sleep at 3am but I think it's late for you y/n so maybe you want to sleep now?"

She nodded and stood up, following me to my room since we just had two rooms in this house.

I showed her my room" you can sleep here I'll sleep with Jacob.

She nodded. "Oh may I borrow your charger.." She looked down to the floor.

I pointed at the wall in my room where there was socket and my charger. "Thank you" and with that, she went inside and closed the door.

I went downstairs back to where Jacob was. He continued playing games on his ps5 that was interrupted earlier.

With his eyes still glued on the TV screen, he asked me.

"So, who's that gurl huh"


hehe .. that's all for my first chapter.

KIM'S M!NE ♡ k.sw ✔ Where stories live. Discover now