10 / unofficial date

218 14 6

Third person's POV

They were getting ready in their nice outfits. Sunwoo helped y/n picked hers since she had no idea what to wear. He rummaged in her bag trying to find some cute things and threw them to her after he found some.

Sunwoo exited his room to give space for y/n to change. He came back later.

"How is it??" y/n asked, spinning herself around, trying to show him the full look.

He picked her a white tank top and a light blue baggy jeans together with a cute flower-printed knitted cardigan.

How come she looks soo...pretty. This isn't a date, it's just a hangout, sunwoo come on.

He brushed his thoughts off and gave y/n two thumbs up. "That's pretty, really"

"but wait-" sunwoo walked to her, flicking her hair a little and tied his one of pretty necklaces around her neck.

The little gap between them made y/n felt shy.

"yours too" she complimented him.

He looked at himself, just wearing a plain white shirt with a black leather pants completed with some rings and to compare himself with y/n, the gap was bigger than the whole height of mount fuji.

He smiled at her "let's go!"

They walked to the parking lot and got inside sunwoo's car. He started the engine. While he was about to drive, he actually didn't know where they were going so she asked y/n. "Time Square Mall", and with that, he sped up the car to the mentioned place.

"That's her, that's yeen!" Y/n pointed excitedly at yeen who standing outside the building. Probably was waiting for y/n.

He parked the car and they both walked to the girl.

"so where are we going first?"

Since it was nearly lunch time, he suggested to go to 'Choigozip Hongdae' since y/n said she craved Korean BBQs.

"I want to add a cheesecake and.."Yeen looked at sunwoo and y/n, signalling if they wanted something and they shook his head.

"..yeah, that's all" She smiled and the waiter left with the menu.

Yeen reached sunwoo's finger, asking him to give her the orange juice since she couldn't reach for it. He gave her the mentioned drink but before that, he poured Y/n some first, giving it to her.

"thank you" y/n smiled.

Yeen giggled as she noticed these two were acting very, very cute to each other since the first time she met them.

A small thing suddenly caught her attention."woww y/n, your necklace..it's very pretty!" She started twisting it, until she saw something and suprised.

She whispered something to y/n.

Sunwoo noticed the girls and pushed them apart, trying to break off their silent conversation.

"hey hey hey, come on don't ignore me here.."

"Sunwoo..you..why you never mention that you..." yeen spoke up word by word slowly while sunwoo was waiting for her to finish it.

"...are this rich!!!" yeen showed me the 'prada logo' and the girls started screaming out of nowhere, some people even spared a glance at them.

Yeen didn't believe how Y/n didn't noticed the logo since it was quite big.

Sunwoo rolled his eyes at yeen playfully, explaining that he did it on purpose since he wanted y/n to notice it herself and see her reaction, but sadly, yeen spoiled the plan.

They giggled to themselves.

"you sure know how to flirt each other." yeen teased.

They had finished their meal and walked to the very top floor, going straight to the cinema.

"two popcorn please.." sunwoo ordered.

"ehh, what about yours" asked y/n.

"I'm still full"

"what movie are we watching?" asked yeen, staring at the big screen that showed off some interesting movies.

"ask sunwoo."



"I want the middle seat!" yeen shouted, raising her right arm.

Sunwoo glanced at her in confusion.

"but I want to sit beside you.." he pouted, grabbing y/n by her hand and shaking it.

A sudden tension rose up y/n's body.

"I'll sit between." y/n sighed. She remained her calmness by telling herself that she was baby-sitting two kids. Two abandoned kids.

They sat down on their arranged seat as the movie started playing.

"y/n.." sunwoo whispered


"can I have some popcorn?"

she rolled her eyes and brought her hand near him, giving him her popcorn.

He brought his hand into the popcorn bucket. He took a large grip, making his and y/n 's back palm touched each other and. He did that on purpose as his first step to flirt with her.

Y/n glanced at him. Right. They were always touched, pushed, kicked or even hugged each other. But this time she felt different. His touch felt different.

He just shrugged, letting his head fell to y/n's shoulder.

She let out a relieve sigh. Thanks to the darkness in the cinema room, it was easy for her to hide the redness that was washing up her cheeks by that time.

"why are you sighing so much y/n, is the movie bad? " sunwoo asked, interwining their fingers together.

"no-no it's fun" She smiled nervously. It was hard for her to maintain normal heartbeat after what he did. sunwoo placed an arm around her shoulder, relaxing and enjoying this little unofficial date.

Yeen who was sitting beside y/n just chuckled, watching the two's behaviour. It was way more fun than the spiderman movie she believed.

she whispered to y/n's ear "sorry for being a third-wheeler"



I want to pinch sunwoo's cheeks ao bad.

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