19 / visit

157 10 2

Sunwoo's POV

We were packing our stuffs and got ready to go to y/n's parents' house. And we planned on staying there for five days.

"y/n, faster!"

"a minute!"

Y/n opened the car backdoor and put all her stuffs before opening the front door and sat in.

"let's go!" I was excited and nervous at the same time since I've never met her parents before.


We arrived in front of a very very big white bungalow house. She rang the house bell and minutes later the door opened revealing her parents.

"hi mom, hi dad" y/n greeted them and gave kisses on their cheeks.

"who's this handsome boy, dear?" Her mom pointed at me.

"I'm y/n's boyfriend" I greeted them with a smile. I was so nervous but I just kept them inside and trying to show the brave side of me in front of them.

"woah, our daughter has grown up a lot I see" her dad laughed.

"come in, and y/n show him your room, and don't forget to come downstairs back for lunch!"

"alright mom"

We were walking upstairs but my eyes couldn't stop exploring everywhere in this house, and it was very very big. We walked further and reached her room, which was at the very corner.

We changed into something comfy. I just changed my jeans to a sweatpants but y/n decided to change everything since she wore a dress earlier. We walked downstairs back for lunch.

We started eating lunch and her dad started to have a chat.

"sooo dear, when did you meet this handsome boy hah, you didn't even tell us about your relationship"

"I know right she haven't, oh dear we're missing a lot" Her mom said and y/n just giggled.

I see so they call her 'dear' a lot..

"remember I had told you months ago that a man saved me at the alley right, when I forgot the address, yeah he was the one" She said.

"really? wahh so you guys contacted each other after the accident I see, very gentleman of you..urm I'm sorry what's your name?" He looked at me.


"yes very gentleman of you, sunwoo thank you ,if it wasnt because of your help I think my daughter would have gotten bit by dogs already"


We all laughed so hard.

"for how long?" Her mom asked.

Did he mean our relationship? "ah..3 months I think.." I replied

"well good luck I'll pray for you two's happiness okay? don't act like a child y/n you're 19 already.."

"If you asked who's more childish I think that's him" I looked at y/n and her finger was pointing straight at me.

"heyyy heyy!"

Her parents are soo friendly I like them so much. All my nervousness from earlier were swept away in seconds.


We decided to take a walk in the garden. She really have really big garden too.

"oh boy!! I miss you" y/n ran towards a dark brown dog.

"is that your dog?"

She nodded. " it's a maltipoo one. A mixture of Maltese and poodle. It's a he and his name is Dacky" She explained.

"so cutee" I lifted him up and spun around slowly.

"btw you have a sis right?where is she?" I realised that I hadn't seen his sister yet.

"oh she's at school she always be home late, always at midnight"

"woah that's late.."

I found a stick on the ground and picked it up, and started showing it to the dog. I ran fast and decided to let Dacky chased me.

y/n just sat on the grass, watching her favourite boy playing with her favourite animal. I looked at her and saw a smile on her face.


I saw y/n sleeping beside me. It was around 12 midnight but I was so hungry so I walked downstairs to find something I could eat.

"AAAAAAA" a girl suddenly screamed seeing me entering the kitchen.

"a-ah I'm sorry, I'm sunwoo, y/n's boyfriend, you must be her sister..." I bowed to her.

"gosh you scares me, aa yes...wait woah my sis finally got herself a boyfriend, take care of her well then" she patted my shoulder hardly and I promise it hurts.

Weird. I mumbled to myself before taking a glass and fill in water. I opened the cabinet to find anything to eat and I found a pack of chips. Well her parents told me to make myself comfortable in this house so yeah I just did.

As I was walking upstairs back, her sister invited me to come over and hangout with her. She was watching a movie in the living room by the way.

It was almost 1 a.m right now, I thought to myself but, I still went there and we hanged out the whole night. We had a great time. 



this chapter is nothing but I promise the next chapter is something ;) 

KIM'S M!NE ♡ k.sw ✔ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ