20 / go, please

155 10 13

y/n's POV

Days passed by and it was already the fourth day. We had fun until sunwoo suddenly asked for an early leave, again. It was early 7.

"babe I need to go to Busan for like 2 days, we have project to discuss there"

"do you really need to? you had promised me..."  I asked him, the desperation to not let him go could be seen clearly in my eyes.

"I know... I'm sorry babe but this is urgent like really... because they suddenly changed the plan"

"excuses excuses excuses, can't you tell Jacob to do it instead.. please?" I hold his hands.

"he's not in the same office as me, y/n"

It ward hard, because possibilities that my parents would ask why is high, and I didn't want to leave a bad impression of sunwoo to them either. Because sunwoo never did things like this, except for on the date. I hated that.

"...fine..I'll explain it to my parents"

"thanks, I love you, see you in 2 days,  bye" he kissed her forehead.

And with that he took his luggage and walked out from the room, also from my parent's house.


It was evening."y/n, I haven't seen sunwoo this morning, where is he? To the lake?" Mom asked me since she had been gardening outside since 5 p.m but haven't seen sunwoo since she got back from work.

"he...left... it's really urgent his group has a little problem so he need to settle that" I explained.

"oh..alright, come here help me"
I wore gloves and started helping mom with the flowers.

Mom pointed at me a very bright and beautiful yellow tulip. " that's the flower sunwoo planted yesterday"

"woah, that's pretty! I don't know he can do this" I hold the flower pot and took out my phone from my pocket to snap a pic and sent it to him.

I was about to click the send button when a chat notification of my friend, well not friend anymore suddenly popped up.

'A message from Yeen'

'Hellooo~~wait for me tonight~~'

That wasn't the message I hoped and waited for. "crazy" I said to myself before tapping the block button and blocked her.

"what crazy dear? oh careful don't ruin your boyfriend's artwork" mom pointed at the flower pot I was holding that almost slipped from my lap. 

"o-oh I'm sorry, no this video on the internet is crazy haha" I laughed nervously, lying to my mom wasn't the thing I wanted to do.


After having grill beef and orange juice for dinner, I walked upstairs to my room to finally have a relax and comfortable time for myself.

I took a shower, changed into a black comfy pyjama and threw myself onto the bed.


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