4 / titanic

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Kim sunwoo's POV

We grew closer day by day. And I have to admit that..I like y/n.

"Move your leg" Y/n groaned annoyingly while kicking my leg aside and sit beside me. Y/n invited us over at her apartment to watch one of the best classic and old movies 'Titanic' together.

I could see how Jacob was paying full attention to the movie, while for me,I had watched it already and it was very boring but didn't complain a word since it was y/n's pick.

As we watched the movie, y/n didn't notice how she slowly moved her body closer to me, maybe because of the coldness as she turned on the air-cond at 17°c. I didn't complain but instead brought her closer to my chest, throwing my left arm on her shoulder, and acted like nothing happened.

She was concerned of what I did just now but didn't say anything and just laid her head on my shoulder.

"want some?" she looked up to me, showing her homemade popcorn that was in her grip the whole time. I smiled and took a handful of it. She's a good cook.

"The ship will sink soon"

"wait what?"

"the people inside...some were saved but unfortunately many died..." I continued.

She hummed in response, eyes stayed to the tv.

"they will g-"

"just...let me watch.."she cut me off, begging at me to stop giving spoilers.

I stared at her long enough to notice sparkles glowing in her eyes,really telling me to stop. I gave up and laughed."okay okay"

"But I want us to be the main characters though.." I shrugged, hugging her tight.

We were halfway through Titanic when Y/n started to feel a little bit sleepy.

y/n in my embrace, y/n in my embrace was the only thought I had in my mind that time. I adjusted my left arm, bringing it down to her waist as it started to feel numb.My other hand was slightly playing with her hair.

The movie was ended, following by weird sounds as Jacob cried his heart out at the ending. "Is it that sad?" I teased him.

"shut up you kids don't know anything. They're so romantic but why and-"

I cut his off by putting my finger on my lips, nodding to y/n that was sleeping in my embrace. She looked so cute and tiny with her hair slightly covered her face. He nodded with his mouth curving an 'oooooo' and then continued with a teasing 'uuuuuuu'. I rolled my eyes.

I took y/n's popcorn from her grip earlier and placed it on the floor.

We both were thinking whether we should woke y/n up and left, or stayed the night, or just left without waking her up. And for some reasons we agreed with the third one.

I went into her room, and took the mattress on her bed before went to y/n again, laying it down to cover her whole body. I gently placed one of the throw pillows under her head.

"goodnight,y/n.." I whispered, staring at the sleeping beauty in front of me.

Jacob and I didn't know how to lock the main door so we just leave it unlocked, hoping that no one would be interested to burst into her house tonight. Before we left, I didn't forget to change the air-cond temperature to 19°c. Even though it was just a slight change than before, I hoped it helped her coldness in some ways.



I'm sorry that this chapter is short since I'm cutting half the chapter and put it into new chapter hehe.

KIM'S M!NE ♡ k.sw ✔ Where stories live. Discover now