5 / new friend

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Jacob and I were in the kitchen, sitting opposite to each other and did our own stuffs, work, etc. Our laptops notes and papers were pretty much taking up every space of the table.

Dining table was the only option we had everytime doing work stuffs since the area is large enough and comfy rather than in the living room.

"You like her do you?" I jumped at the sudden question Jacob threw me.


"Just admit it it's obvious" he rolled his eyes.

I laughed nervously, scratching my neck that wasn't itchy at all. My face turned into a pouted look when suddenly a thought came to my mind.

"Don't say that you like her too" I stared at him, which his eyes focused on his laptop screen seriously. "She's mine...well.. to be" I added.

He glanced at me and laughed "I wont, beside he's too young for me and I just treat her like a lil sis. Plus she looks more comfortable with you too. But I do admit she's beautiful"

"And you're not that bad either"

I nodded shamelessly, agreeing to every point he stated. Jacob kicked my leg."stop dreaming and ask her out already."

"Of course."

We continued doing our works when suddenly the doorbell rang. We knew who it was since she came to our place almost everyday. I smirked to Jacob "I'll take that" and ran to the door. Jacob just shook his head and continue typing something on his laptop.

"Hi y/n-"

Surprisingly today she wasn't alone. She came with an unknown girl, hugging her arm by her side. They both looked at me.

I made a confused also a 'who's that girl' face and y/n just smiled, exposing her bright teeth.

"My new friend."

Jacob which heard our conversation from the kitchen laughed hardly at us, mostly to me knowing that my plan to flirt with y/n was destroyed. Never mind there is always next time.

"Do you have a good sleep last night?"
I asked her while she and her new friend sat on the couch.

"I do.. thanks for the mattress by the way. I just noticed you had gone the morning after"

"anything for you"

Y/n shocked and laugh at the sudden words that came out from sunwoo, it was kind of funny to her.

"Waahh, you both seems pretty close to invite him over and almost sleep there" the new girl chuckled. " Yeah, pretty much. The whole story was pretty interesting though.."

Sunwoo and I exchanged look for few seconds before laughing at each other, as we remembered back the past when we first met.

"Hii, I'm Jacob" Jacob then came over, introducing himself as always.

"I'm Yeen" She smiled and shook hands with him.

"He's my housemate" I explained to Yeen and she nodded with an ooo mouth.

"by the way, what are you doing earlier before I came?" Y/n asked as she noticed we both wearing glasses.

"Oh just..works.." "and if you're here to have lunch then I'm sorry in advance since we both haven't eaten either."

"Works come first" Jacob chuckled.

We started talking about random things like how yeen and y/n became friends, how special yeen was to be y/n's first girl friend, and others.

Usually I would be sitting the closest with y/n but since today we weren't just the three of us, I refrained myself and kept our distance. It was hard I was gonna say.

Throughout the conversation, I didn't notice that my eyes had been staring at y/n the whole time. I smiled.

Good for her she finally got a new friend so she would be more comforfable as they both were girls.



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