3 / funfair

343 13 18

Kim sunwoo's POV

Funny enough we had been best friends since the dinner that night. We hanged out together after she finished with school, and sometimes watched movies together and it was fun to be honest.We were always together as the fact that y/n didn't have any friend at school because boys were fallen for her and all the girls were very jealous.

I sometimes thought to myself if we are lucky enough meeting her at the first place. She has only been nice to us, not talking to other guys at school since she's a weak person and didn't want to upset the girls or else she would be in troubles. She is too kind.

Y/n is very pretty with her natural brown hair, matches with her hazel-brown eyes. Her not-so-big-and-not-so-small eyes standing out the most, making her looks even more gorgeous.Her height is just same height as my shoulder.

I needed to admit day by day, I started to like her but maybe not more than a female friend I guessed.

"Are you done,sunwoo!" I snapped out of all my thoughts.

We had agreed with y/n to meet at the funfair on the weekend to release her stress of school and to hangout. The funfair and Y/n's school wasn't far from each other and y/n had extra class today too so that was why we planned it today.

"10 mins!!" I replied to Jacob,loud enough for him to hear and replied with a "faster"

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, putting on my black hoodie, sprayed some perfume, putting on my black cap and some rings and lastly took my wallet and car key before hurrying up downstairs.

And with a 'tick' sound, the main door was locked and we were ready to go.

"Let's gooo!!!!" Jacob shook his head slightly.


Y/n was already there when we almost arrived.She was wearing a cute pink hoodie together with a loose jeans overall. She looked so cute in those especially with two braids falling on her left and right shoulder.

I couldn't help but giggled to myself. Jacob realised it and shoved my shoulder slightly.We walked over to her as she was waving to us, signalling to come over.

"sorry for making you wait, it was sunwoo who took hours to get ready" Jacob rolled his eyes to me.

I admitted and just chuckled."I'm sorry"

I noticed she was queueing in a line.
"Are you queueing y/n?"

She laughed "Obviously, I already paid for you two's tickets so don't just stand there and be in the line too. We should be in that ferris wheel the next turn" She looked at us with her small arms crossing each other.

"awhhhhh ,don't know y/n can be sooo sweet~~" Jacob teased her and we both went to hug her before standing in queue.

Finally it was our turn to enter one of the capsules. Y/n looked so excited making her jumped a little. Jacob and I just shooked at each other, looking at her behaviour, almost like we were babysitting a child.

I took seat beside y/n, as Jacob sat opposite to me.Few minutes later the ferris wheel started to move upwards in a slow-motion and exposed bit by bit the beautiful sceneries from above.

It was so high and I saw how Jacob was preventing himself from looking down as he fears high so much.He actually shocked when y/n mentioned that we would be riding ferris wheel before but still agreed to her since she already booked the ticket plus he didn't like turning someone's offer down .Another level of angel.

I told y/n about his fear."Jacob, you could tell me earlier" Y/n looked at Jacob with guilty."I'm sorry"

"Eh it's okay I want to be brave sometimes too hehe" y/n knew he was lying. But he said that to make y/n feel better so she just appreciated and reminded him.

"don't repeat the same thing again jacob..I beg" she kicked his legs slightly and he giggled.

We enjoyed every view the ferris wheel showed us until the very last moment before it stopped and we need to get out from the capsule.

"Feeling better?" Y/n tapped Jacob's back and he nodded, smiling at us.We started laughing after that.

We explored every game in the funfair.We rode the that unicorn round thing that kids usually rode, enjoyed laughing to the clowns as they made a funny jokes around the people nearby, and others.

I saw how y/n actually enjoyed every one of them. She is very bright, active and friendly I think that is why we can be friends so quickly.

Later Jacob and I won the 'shoot the balloon' game and was given a very big teddy bear each. Y/n made a pouting look since she didn't win any.

"Hey" Y/n looked over to me as I threw the big teddy to her.

"It's yours, so stop making that pouting look" I rolled eyes to her.

She stared the bear in her hands in awe "thankyouu~ what about yours?"

"I don't like bears, they are ugly."

It was my fault saying them ugly so I got it by y/n slightly on the back of my head. Jacob, hugging his teddy just enjoyed our little childish show.

We had a lot of fun until we saw the night sky began turning purple,yellow and reddish colour.

"It's almost seven" Y/n told us, looking at her phone screen.

"Let's call it a day. It was so much fun and we should go again next time" said Jacob.

We agreed then I remembered something.

"Y/n do you have a car?"

"no why would i" she chuckled.

"how do you get here"

"taxi from my...school?"

"and how will you go to your apartment back?"

"urmm taxi??"

"we should go home together, we just live centimetres away anyway"

"Good idea, god why don't I think of such thing..." jacob agreed.

Y/n also agreed so we walked to my car and went straight back to our apartment's parking lot.We were too tired to even stopped by at any other places.

Y/n arrived in front of her apartment door. As we bid goodbyes to y/n and she went inside, we took the elevator upstair to ours.



yes there's still no sweet scenes in this chapter idk why either I just realised smh T-T ...

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