Summary of the first part (of what has not yet been written)

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Since my motivation is not the same as before thanks to the lack of comments, I'm not sure when I gain enough inspiration to continue. To those who still want updates, here is a short version of what else should happen in Part 1 of this fanfic.

In the evening, after discussing the plan, Megatron decides to take a stroll despite Rodimus and Magnus's objections. The Decepticon points to the tracking bracelet on his wrist, hinting that he's not going to run. And then, not listening to anyone, he leaves. Suddenly, when the Decepticon leader finds himself alone, he suddenly has another vision - a kind of mixture of images from the past and the future, as well as a black figure attacking him - the silhouette of Senator Shockwave. A malfunction occurs in Megatron's systems, as a result of which the neuroblockers burn out, and the entire quarter of the city turns out to be without electricity... As Rodimus and Drift said when they found him.

The Prime's apprentice via comm reports that Megatron is in trouble, Ratchet tells them to wait on the spot, but a combat squad of ten Decepticons suddenly appears. Rodimus manages to notice that this is not the help he was counting on. However, they are saved by Ten and Ravage, who arrived just in time. After defeating the attackers, the cybercat rips off the Decepticon sign from one of them and discovers an Autobt sign underneath. Other teammates arrive soon.

The next day the expedition group (not the entire squad) goes to the desert, where they find an underground passage with a gravity well in the cave system (almost like in Mass Effect Andromeda). The heroes descend underground and discover an ancient abandoned city. Strange things begin to happen to Megatron: he suddenly starts talking about this city and acting as if he had been here before. Magnus suspects that Rodimus is aware of the Matrix's effect on Megatron. At the same time, the silver mech's optics suddenly become pale blue. They also find the Key thanks to Megatron, who is already in a kind of trance: the door to the vault (a hall with columns and concentric circles in the floor) opens from his touch, and the Key itself also appears thanks to him.

After that, they're attacked by a Decepticon combat squad, but Windblade recognizes her friend among them - and he was never a member of the Violet Sign clan. Same thing: Autobots wearing Decepticon insignias. The team fights back and manages to escape thanks to Tailgate, who suddenly has an uncontrollable burst of energy.

As soon as the heroes get to the surface, Megatron's optics regain their usual scarlet color, and he completely comes to his senses, although he perfectly remembers what he was saying and doing there, underground. Nautica, Windblade and Ravage join the Lost Light crew.

However, no sooner had the starship moved away from Yuntara at a decent distance, another unidentified ship appears. Megatron gives the order to jump into hyperspace before the unknown spacecraft can fire, and when the Lost Light is already in the interdimensional corridor, the crew picks up a message that has come aboard before the jump, that they have attracted the attention of those they shouldn't have.

On the ship, Ratchet removes damaged blockers from Megatron's head, which are no longer of any use. After that, the Decepticon wonders that in prison they added a sort of special firmware to turn him into a 'hound' that can find and collect these very Keys. The chief medic protested that this was not the case, to which Megatron bluntly stated that he doesn't believe it. But come what may, he will do what he must. Rung, on the other hand, ponders how to direct Megatron along the right path, without revealing the whole truth yet. The silver mech has a dream about the destruction of a city very similar to the one they recently left.

So, the first Key is found, the ship heads to the next planet - Imano, which is located near the red giant. Uninhabited. Rodimu says that there will be no trouble at all. But he was very wrong.

Information comes from Cybertron that the Curato city on the planet Yuntara has been completely destroyed. How and under what circumstances - unknown. One of the Autobots suggests that Decepticons did it (Why? There are simply no other enemies.) Megatron, on the other hand, recalls his own dream about the destruction of a familiar settlement. This doesn't escape Rung's attention (he knows what caused these visions). But Optimus, much to Megatron's surprise, dismisses the suggestion that the Decepticons were involved. Of the few victims that have been found, some of the mechs have undergone the same nanite transformation as before at the Stellar-6 space station.

The Lost Light lands on the planet's surface, but due to the red giant's electromagnetic radiation, some malfunctions occur in the ship's navigational instruments and detection systems. For a safe stay outside the ship, the crew has to use portable shield generators.

A small scouting party - the rest are waiting on the ship - is heading for a supposed descent into a similar underground vault where the second Key is hidden, but an ambush awaits them - the Decepticon Justice Division (later it will be clear that the 'mole' gave them coordinates, so as not to risk sending a new group Autobot Special Forces in an already dangerous place). The team is trapped, but Megatron draws fire on himself, giving the others an opportunity to escape. He becomes a prisoner of Tarn and his team.

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