Part 1. Chapter 5. Deep in my spark...

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(Play the soundtrack while reading the next episode)

Ravage was a master at infiltrating restricted areas or guarded territories. No one on the freighter Stardust had even realized that there was an intruder on board. The cybercat managed to sneak into one of the storage bays during the materials loading. What surprised the scout most of all was the the crew's carelessness, they didn't expect any catches. A none-military ship, the Autobots' territory, what could happen?

"Idiots," the cybercat snorted dismissively as loaders left this bay and sealed the door.

Smugly sticking his glossa out to the blocked exit, Ravage jumped into the far corner and, sitting behind the metal crates, waited patiently

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Smugly sticking his glossa out to the blocked exit, Ravage jumped into the far corner and, sitting behind the metal crates, waited patiently. He and Soundwave agreed not to get in touch until the very end of the flight. Even the smallest chance shouldn't be allowed for their radio communications to be detected on the ship. Now the task is next: upon arrival to Curato City, find two femmes - Nautica and Windblade. According to Soundwave's information, they should be the ones to meet the Lost Light's crew there. If Ravage finds them, he will find Megatron. If only get to him in time.

Megatron... How could he publicly say... that?! It cannot be that he did it of his own accord. What did these Autobot bastards do to him? The real Megatron would rather die than agree... And the Autobots know that. What then? Were his neural networks reprogrammed? Have they burn down his CPU? Changed his personality? Or it wasn't Megatron at all, but a hologram? A double? And how will the silver mech react upon seeing Ravage? There are also a lot of options: he will be frightened, won't recognize him, or will say that all this is a secret plan...

"I hope the latter," the cybercat summed up his thoughts aloud. "I really hope so."

The journey passed for him in tense reflections. Ravage sat quietly in his hideout, leaving the desire to play the ship's ghost and slightly frighten the crew. At another time he would definately it, but now the situation was extremely serious to risk even the slightest opportunity to betray his location.

And so, when the ship, after four and a half cosmic days, reached the planet. Landing in the spaceport, unloading crates and containers... Slipping out unnoticed was easy for Ravage. Nevertheless he couldn't resist and left on the wall in the cargo hold, where he spent all this time, an inscription, scrawled with a sharp claw: 'Autobots are idiots' and also 'There was a Decepticon', and under these two phrases he also left the symbol of the Purple sign clan. Let them explain with their superiors who did it, how and when.

The cybercat also decided not to walk openly around the lively spaceport, highly likely someone might recognize him. So he did a quick reconnaissance, made sure that the ship he was looking for hadn't yet arrived, and ducked towards the warehouse hangars, where there was no one at the moment, removed the round holographic device from his left paw and dialed the addressee's ID number. The small device glowed green and projected a full-length hologram of the Decepticons signal specialist.

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