Part 1. Chapter 1. Adaptation.

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(Play the soundtrack while reading the next episode)

"Co-captain! So can I call you Megs?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Wanna hear a joke?"


"Too bad, it's funny."

Two days have already passed since the Lost Light left Cybertron

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Two days have already passed since the Lost Light left Cybertron. Two cosmic days. Since time goes differently on each planet, the first pre-war Galactic Council, tens of thousands of vorns ago decided to establish a single time system in the outer space. They did it simply: add up the length of the day on each planet that was part of the Galactic Community of the most intelligent races in the Milky Way, as earthlings call it, and divided it by the number of these same planets. One galactic day was about six-tenths of a Cybertronian day. This had to be taken into account when establishing connection with a planet, adjusting to the local time.

Travelling at hyperspeed require high energy consumption. So, having covered two-thirds of the distance in about an hour, the ship left the interdimensional tunnel and was now flying on the main engines to the planet Yuntara. The first of four to visit.

Rodimus, having ordered to tell Cybertron about the exit from the hyperchannel, immediately announced that the first shift on the bridge was his. And after that, somehow hesitantly jerked his helm, as if clarifying whether the second captain was against. Megatron indifferently threw: "As you say," and left, without waiting for any new actions from the annoying protégé of Optimus.

At first, the red and yellow Autobot decided to laugh it off and offered to check if they both fit in the captain's chair at the same time

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At first, the red and yellow Autobot decided to laugh it off and offered to check if they both fit in the captain's chair at the same time. Megatron didn't appreciate the joke, so Rodimus only waved his right servo to this, saying: "As you wish. Then the first shift is mine." And how does Prime put up with him? Probably the same way as Megatron was able to put up with Starscream for a long time... until the latter's betrayal... again. And there's also Deadlock, another defector. Well them be. One is far away, and there's absolutely nothing to talk to the other.

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