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[Shivaay - S, Rudra - Ru, Annika - A]

The sun was yet to rise, but the entire Oberoi mansion was already in commotion. It was an important day, not a special one, but a day that they could never forget.

Om: Good morning daadi

Daadi: good morning puttar, is Rudra up?

Om: Yeah, it's the only day of the year when he wakes up on time. Is shivaay in the kitchen?

Daadi: As always

Om: It's been 10 years and he stills does everything himself.

Daadi: I asked him to let the staff help, but you know him.

Om: I don't know how he manages to make gajar halwa for 100 people all by himself. He could at least let the staff chop the carrots for him. The only thing he lets them do is packing it up.

Daadi: Gajar halwa was her favorite

Om: He is in more pain than he shows.

Daadi: His wounds haven't healed at all. He acts all strong and happy with us but at times you can read it in his eyes how much he's hiding.

Om: I'll go check up on him.

Shivaay was busy toiling in the kitchen, making gajar halwa

Om: Woke up at 4?

S: Hmm, it's almost done

Om: Why don't you let anyone help? At least let me and rudra give you a helping hand

S: I do this for myself Om

Om: The shawls are packed and ready to go

S: Good, we'll be on time then. Is Rudra ready?

Ru: Yes bhaiyya, I'm ready, tell me what can I do to help?

S: Ask KK to bring the packaging containers, halwa is ready

The three of them along with the staff packed the sweet dish into little containers for distribution. They got ready and left for the temple.

Shivaay performed the havan with the priest. After the havan ceremony finished, Shivaay was talking to the priest when Khanna came up to them with some upsetting news. OmRu stopped him from speaking with Shivaay.

Ru: What, someone's already feeding the beggars? Shivaay bhaiyya won't like this.

Om: We can't let him get upset today. Khanna, go see if something can be done about it.

A few minutes later Khanna returned

S: What is it, Khanna? Why do you look like you're about to enter a lion's den?

Ru to Om: Because that's exactly what he's doing. Bhaiyya is going to be super pissed

Khanna: Sir, uhh

S: Speak up, Khanna

Khanna: Sir, actually some girl is already distributing food among the beggars. I asked her to stop

S: And?

Khanna: She refused, she said today is her mother's death anniversary

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