It was so nice being friends again There I was giving you a second chance

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She tried to open her eyes but drowsiness washed over her over and over again, lulling her back to her sleep. When she finally opened them slightly, she could see two blurry faces looking at her.

"Why are you in my room?" She asked hoarsely

"Why are you lying on the balcony connected to the upper lounge?"

"I'm in my room, you idiot."

"No, you're not."

She sat upright.

And opened her eyes fully and bright rays of sun hit her and she threw hands up to protect her eyes from the vicious rays of the very bright sun.

And looked at Beau who scoffed and then laughed. He then smiled and shook his head before extending a hand to her.

She looked at it and sighed before placing it and allowing herself to be pulled up.

"How did I end up here?"

He chuckled.

"Hey! Tell me!"

He cracked up with laughter once more.

"Did I do something embarrassing?"

"Tell me."

Beau kept cackling like a stupid witch.

She grabbed him by the collar and shook him.


She looked at him with a raised brow.

"We were all sitting peacefully doing our own things when we heard a miserable, pathetic animalistic wail that resonated misery and sadness and we found out it was you which we already knew but for rechecking purposes."

She hit his shoulder.

"Hey! Do you think this shoulder was bought on rent? Remain carefu-

"Shut up Beau or you'll have to actually get a new shoulder." Lilliana said

They walked down the stairs and she began to walk towards the kitchen when she passed the library and heard chatter and discussions going on.

She placed a hand on the door knob-

"Don't go in-

But Lilliana had already entered the library and laughed upon seeing the one person she hadn't seen in a long long while. It wasn't even a laugh but rather a scoff.

"Look who's here." She said while walking towards Rhysand.

Tamlin looked up and sighed.

"Lilliana." Rhysand said

"So was it to piss me off or make me kill you that you invited him here?" She asked Tamlin with a raised brow

"Oh so-

"No one asked you to open your damn trap, you baby-bat." She said, glaring at him

Rhysand chuckled and looked at the floor before looking back at her.

She laughed coldly, no, cackled and then gestured for Tamlin to stand up. He did and walked over to her.

"What is he doing here?"

"What do you think?"


Now they were sitting in front of him which was surprising.

"So you are telling me that you were in co-ordination with him for a long while and he ended up here because of something he planned." Lilliana said, trying to understand the situation.

Dream a little, Dream of meWhere stories live. Discover now