They say, "She's gone too far this time"

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The wooden floorboards creaked beneath her as she swiftly landed on them. She turned around and shut the window, blocking any air coming in. 

She once more went through the directions towards the entrance that Zane had told her about in her mind and sighed. Her heart was racing with the fear of being caught. Even a minor slip up could be fatal to the plan and it scared her a lot. 

Lilliana opened the door and analyzed the empty corridor and judging by the murky conditions, she could tell that she was on the first floor. Magnus and Eris were in the basement, the ground floor was the actual entrance, the floor she was on was the dormitory for the guards and the floor above was where she had to bring Zane in from. She glanced once more in the mirror standing in the room and grimaced at the uniform she was wearing. What she had donned was a red tunic with black pants and boots but the most important part of the miserable outfit was the badge on the tunic. It was an order of something that Zane had mentioned (she had forgotten) and it was going to allow her to pass the dormitory without being asked any questions. 

She exited the room and entered the corridor, straightening her back. Oh another thing, she was wearing a wig. She was supposed to resemble a captain of something who was also Cecile's brother. So the uniform and wig were Cecile's contributions to the plan.

She ran a hand through her now brown hair. 

She turned right and entered another corridor and faced a group of soldiers chatting who suddenly lowered their voices as they saw her and saluted. 

She nodded, not knowing how to respond. 

She kept walking, passing the many rooms filled with boys who were lounging. 

"Cal." Someone called out, but she kept walking. 

And then a hand on her shoulder stopped her. Wait-

She was Cal wasn't she? Shit.

"Yes." She turned around to face a tall man who towered her despite her wearing padded shoes.

"You didn't reply to my letter, I mean it was a bit odd for me to confess like that but still you could have wrote back-

"You wrote a letter, a love letter to me?" Lilliana- Cal asked,

"So you didn't get it, of course, if you did you would have written back, right?" He asked hopefully.

Oh Cal was a little shit alright. Who doesn't respond to a love letter, it was Lilliana's wish to receive a love letter. If she got one, she would write back even if she didn't love that person, she would still appreciate it.

She wasn't sure if Cal actually got the letter and liked this boy back so she couldn't really reply to this guy's confession but she could ask him to write again. 

"I know it's not right to ask you to put in that effort again, but please write again, I will receive it and I will reply-

"You could just tell me what you feel." He said, looking straight into her eyes.

"You wrote a letter to confess, I will also write to you to tell you what I feel, it's only fair that way." She responded.

Please, please let Cal like him back, she didn't want to break this poor guy's heart by giving him fake hope only for the actual Cal to write something horrible. 

He nodded.

"I'll see you around." Cal(Lilliana) said and received a smile. 

And she began hurrying to the other corridor by turning left and seeing a flight of stairs leading up from there. She practically ran to the stairs and then sprinted up. This floor was very quiet. She took a step and the floorboard creaked loudly so she decided to fly to the entrance. She could see the dust lining the roof and some spiderwebs here and there. 

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