And you're thinking we'll be fine again But not this time around

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Consciousness was a sneaky fox for Eris, as it came and left, came and left and remained on repeat.

He saw flashes of people around him, his surroundings were blurry images, but she was a clear blue sky among the dullness of life.

He had seen her twice in consciousness and the moments seemed to repeat themselves in the canvas of his head. 

"Is he awake as of yet?" A voice asked

"How am I supposed to know? Am I some seer?" Her harsh voice seemed to wake him up.

Then they all went quiet.

Eris suddenly sat up, his eyes open and he looked around, eyes getting used to the light. 

And it was magical; their eyes meeting, he felt like it was the day of that masquerade, the day she was angry over cookies, and when he saw her once more at dinner, just sitting. All those times he locked eyes with her, he saw a clear sky, an endless sea, it was electrifying. She was electrifying.

His heartbeat was a sprinting soldier. 

He looked away first, and looked at the boy standing beside her and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the boy's jaw was on the floor.

He nodded at the boy.

"Water." He said and realized how hoarse his voice sounded, he could feel the tips of his ears going red.

The boy rushed to grab the jug and glass and poured it when Lilliana put out a hand.

They both looked at her,

"This isn't your palace, your highness. Get up and take it."

Eris looked at her once more and then looked down.

He placed a hand on the side of the couch and stood up slowly, he looked at the table sitting a few feet away from him and took a step, then another one. It was on the fourth step that pain shot through his back and his legs gave out. He was falling and then the next moment he wasn't.

He wasn't sure what was happening but he was floating in air. He twisted his neck and saw Lilliana's finger moving as she brought him back to the couch and placed him and her other hand directed the glass of water to him.

The glass landed in his hand, he brought it to his lips and emptied it out in a single go. She refilled it once more. 

Now his throat didn't feel like paper and felt better.

"Thank you." The words were a whisper

He tried to focus on everything except the pain he felt.

He felt a stitch tear open, and then another one and suddenly everything went black.

Eris was standing, his own blood pooling, as he looked at the arrow strike Isabella, again and again, the arrow hitting her. And her collapsing.

Zane's screams filled his ears and then reality shifted once more but this time he was Zane, and the arrow struck Lilliana down.

He was screaming his throat dry.


He was sweating when his eyes flew open and he saw Lilliana crouched over him, her hand on his cheek, other hand on the side of his head. He could feel his headache die away slowly.

Her touch seemed to make everything so much better.

"She's dead." He whispered

Lilliana looked up 

Dream a little, Dream of meWhere stories live. Discover now