A Helluva Booty Call~.(Loona)

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Art by Moiyablochki

I know, I know I'm late! Blame X-com 2 for being addicting as hell to play. Especially if I mod it out of its marbles. It's like the Sims if it was turn-based, but with Guns and Aliens... As well as a tendency to ruthlessly try to murder your Skirmisher but nailing them with two full damage 35% shots in a row on Gate Crasher and Soldier's that can hit the broadside of a barn when their lives literally depend on it! But hey, that's X-com baby. Now back to your regularly scheduled(God I hope so) Chapter about fucking everyone's favorite Hellhound to simp over.

You know some might say having a blood pack with a Hellhound or hell any demon is insanely dumb... But you can definitely prove them wrong~.

You were sitting down one late evening watching something or playing a game when you get a call with the number 666 starting off the chain of other demonic numbers.

(Y/N): Oh boy...

You quietly said as you paused your game/show and answered the phone.

(Y/N): Hello, Joanna's morgue you stab them we slab 'em. How can I help you today?

Your joke quickly fell short when you heard the titular Hell Hound you had a blood pack with a sigh that made you almost feel her eyes roll. The reason why you had a blood pack with a Hellhound was mainly because... Well, you can't get Syphilis. Crazy I know, but you have no idea why you can't get Syphilis for some reason. Modern science can't explain it either which only makes it weirder. But enough about that stuff, You've currently got a grumpy Hell Hound to deal with.

Loona: Real original. Now can you come down here? Blitz and the two love birds are out doing whatever while I'm stuck here taking calls and nothing is happening with the shit on my phone. Could really use that fat dick of yours as a distraction from the extreme boredom.

She seems in a good mood. She didn't scream at you or threaten to rip your balls off. Normally she's pretty mad when she calls you... Of course, she is giving you a booty call so who are you to turn that down when You yourself had nothing to do other than kill time with your Show/Game.

(Y/N): Alright. When should I expect the portal to your workplace to open?

As if on cue a portal opened up... Right under you... Needless to say, you dropped down from the portal onto your ass in the I.M.P building lobby " Yep, she did that on purpose. " You thought as you got up and dusted yourself off. As you did this Loona was staring at you with a single raised brow and a bit of a shit-eating grin on her face.

Loona: Oh about right now.

She states with a Hint of sarcasm as you finish making sure you didn't break a bone or two.

(Y/N): Har Har...

After you said that she did some you really didn't expect... She giggled.

Loona: Oh come on... I was only teasing you a little~.

Ok... You were beginning to think someone had somehow stolen Loona's identity and is now trying to get into your pants... Or maybe Loona is just having a nice day who knows.

(Y/N): Alright, who are you and what have you done to Loona?

You jokingly state as you fully expected to get kicked in the dick by the angsty Hellhound, but you were again caught off guard... Not because it was someone actually replaced her, but because she started to blush heavily and got a little real for a moment.

Loona: Can we... Chat for a moment before we do this?

She asked in a polite why which shocked you to your core as you had never seen Loona act like this in all the time you've known here.

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