A Love Bite~. (Female Legoshi)

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Art By Skeleion

Ah yes, everyone's favorite Shy Wolf Boy turned into a Shy Wolf Gal! Ah, rule 63 is a wonderful thing! Anyway, you are not a Bunny. You're a Human... HUMAN. Trust me it's important... But enough forshaowdoing! Let's get this story started already! Oh before I forget, I'm gonna go light on the names this time. Testing the waters and seeing what works and what doesn't. You know the Drill. If I do repeat a phrase I'm sorry about that. Back to the Story.

Man when you first transferred to this new school, you found it weird at first with the Anthro's and all. But you started to adjust with the help of a Friend... That may want to be more than just that~.

Y/N: *Sigh* Tofu again...

You said quietly to yourself as you sat alone in a park. It was around Dusk and Classes had just wrapped up for the evening. You had barely anything to eat... Well, that's not true. You had no Meat to eat. It's illegal here until they complete some test trials back in your country. From what you were told the only Beef, Chicken, and Pork here is the same kind that walks beside you every day during your daily commute... Which is College. Of course... Yes, you Hate College, but you were probably the smartest kid they could send... Or at least the least Dickish or Nervous. You were kinda surprised they picked You of all people to send out on this important cultural exchange. In your mind, you probably didn't deserve this position as you thought of several different people who were smarter than you... Or at least that's what you thought. You're the only one that scored 99% on their test, everyone else got 50% or less. Honestly, you didn't think those questions were hard. Just some basic math and stuff, like Quantum Science, Rocket Science, and even Linear Algebra... Yeah if I hadn't made it clear, you don't think much of yourself even though you're probably the next Math Genius in the history books. But as you sit there eating a Tofu Burger, a Certain Shy Wolf girl comes over with an ice cream pop in the shape of a Bunny in her mouth. Makes you wonder why they have those when they're supposed to keep people from eating each other in this country. In any case, Legoshi took the popsicle out of her mouth. Seems like she was in the middle of a Jog as she was wearing her Jogging attire.

Legoshi: Oh, Hey Y/N. How's it going?

She asked in a soft tone before continuing to consume her Bunny-themed popsicle. Legoshi is a bit of a Shy Gal, which actually fits with how Wolves interact with Humans in the wild... When their not starving of course. Though obviously, she wasn't Shy because of her Beastial Cousins, she's Shy because that's the way she is. Though she did warm up to you pretty well even though some people have been calling you a Hairless Ape or the Caveman since you're not just Smart. You lift Weights and do a Tone of Cardio! Seriously you managed to out Lift some of the guys talking some shit just for fun. They didn't say anything directly to your face obviously, but after you Bench Press 500lb a couple of times they quickly shut up. But I'm getting sidetracked. Legoshi was one of the Few people here to talk to you of their own volition, with the Haru, Juno, and a Deer Gal a part of the Drama Club. Among a few others of course... And the fact that most if not all are Female is definitely not lost on you by the way. You don't know why, but most guys tend to keep their distance from you. Regardless of why that's the case, you seem to be popular with women as your friends with quite a few of them.

Y/N: Oh hi Legoshi! It's going fine... Well as fine as it can be when you have a sudden diet change.

You stated somewhat vaguely even though everyone knew you used to get Meat. But thankfully they also have Context that the Meat in your country was not People... Just Animals... Which at the time blew these people's minds that there were Feral versions of their species. Legoshi looked to the side a bit as nearly finished her popsicle.

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