Chapter One

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It is a pleasant day in Boston and all I wanted to do was lay on my bed, listen to music and have a lazy day but I have to pack as my family and I are moving to California. I was super upset when I got to know about it. The thought of leaving the place I was born, the house I was brought up in and my best friends, Emma and Rhea is saddening. We've been inseparable since we were eight years old. I promised to visit them whenever I could and also have them visit California during their holidays.

"Daisy! Wake up, eat your breakfast and start packing," my mother called out from downstairs. I lazily got up, did my daily chores, ate my breakfast and started packing. After a few hours, I found all my albums and started going through them. I was going through all my family pictures, pictures of me participating in school programs and pictures with my friends.

Then, I found a picture of my trio taken by my mom, it was when Emma, Rhea and me were having a sleepover. We were sleeping on a trampoline, under the starlit sky, talking about our lives and all the random things. I was going to miss them a lot. I slowly sort them out and resume packing.

Finally, the day has arrived, the day I was dreading. All my close relatives, friends and neighbors have been visiting our house the past week to see us before we leave Boston. My grandparents, Emma and Rhea were currently at our house helping us move out. After loading the truck, it was time for us to leave. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. I hugged my grandparents tightly. They said, "We will miss you cookie."

Then I hug Emma and Rhea. By now, we all were crying. Emma slowly whispers, "Nothing is going to change, except you're gonna be living a bit far from us but it was, it is and it will always be us versus the world." I smile. "We love you," Emma and Rhea chorused. Rhea puts on a infinity chain on me. I notice that they were wearing theirs too. "I love you guys too," I say and get into the car. Saying goodbye is always hard.

I waved to them until they were out of sight. I sat back in my seat, put my headphones on and thought, well this is it, a new city here I come.

~ A/N

Hey guys! This is literally the first story I've ever written. I hope you all like it :)

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