Chapter Eleven

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It's the weekend and my cousin, Tyler came over to our house. We decided to have watch some Netflix series and then go out for dinner. "D! It's 7.00pm let's get ready," Tyler said. I quickly changed and we were on our way to the restaurant. Aus called me but I couldn't answer the call and texted him that I was busy. "The food was delicious," I said after we ate. We took a few pictures and I posted a picture of us on my instagram story. We decided to go on a long drive and then go back home. The night was so peaceful. We were playing songs and vibing to them. We talked about everything happening in our life. Finally, we got home around 3.00 in the morning and slept.

By the time we woke up, my parents had already left for work. I didn't go to school the next day because I didn't get any sleep and also because Tyler was going back. I went to the kitchen to see if my mom had made us breakfast or if I had to cook. There was note on the refrigerator that said : Daisy and Tyler, you guys can make some pancakes or have your breakfast at Starbucks. I'm writing this note just in case you guys even wake up in time to have your breakfast. -Mom. I literally facepalmed and laughed, so did Tyler. We saw the time and it was 11.00 am. So, we just decided to treat ourselves with Starbucks.

We spent the time by just chilling in the house. After lunch, he left. I was feeling sleepy so, I took a nap and then caught up with the schoolwork. It was 8.00 pm, I went for a walk and called Aus, like I do every Monday. He didn't answer my calls. He is probably busy or having some family time I thought, and just walked on my own.

At school, Aus was talking dryly with me. During lunch, I asked him, "Aus, did I do something? You ain't talking to me properly. Can you just tell me what happened?" "What do you mean? Everything's fine. I don't know why you're feeling like that," he replied. I sighed. We were going back to our houses. Caleb didn't come with us because he had to be early to his house to help his mom as they were having a small get together. It was just me, Rose and Aus. We dropped Rose at her house. Now is my chance to ask him what happened.

I stopped walking. He looked at me and asked, "Why did you stop?" I just looked him in the eyes and asked, "What happened Aus? I know you're trying to ignore me." He said "I don't know. On Sunday, you ignored my calls and told you were busy. Then you posted a picture with a guy." I interrupted and asked with a smirk, "Is Austin jealous of me hanging out with other guys?" He didn't reply anything. "He's my cousin Aus, nothing more. He came to visit us over the weekend," I said. "Oh! I'm sorry for not talking properly with you. I'm stupid sometimes," he said. "You're not stupid sometimes, you're stupid everytime," I said and laughed. He gave me a glare but laughed.

I ate my dinner, texted everyone for a while. Right when I was about to go to sleep, my phone started ringing. It was Emma. "Yo Daisy!" Emma shouted. "What's up homie?" Rhea shouted again. "Guys, calm down. Are you guys high on meth or what?" I laughed and asked. "Yeah we are building a meth lab. Wanna join us?" Rhea asked laughing. "No thanks," I replied. "People will think we are stupid if they hear our conversations," Emma said. "Aren't we stupid already?" Rhea asked. I laughed and said, "We sure are, we just randomly talked about drugs."

We kept talking for an hour and then I decided to tell them about Austin. "Guys, important matter. Don't mess around. Focus y'all, I need advice," I said. "Yes, ma'am," they chorused. "I'mfallinghardforAustinandIdon'tknowhowtotellhim," I said in one go. Even though I spoke fast Rhea asked, "Wait what!? You have feelings for him?" "No shit, she just said she does have feelings for him, idiot," Emma said and flicked Rhea's head with her hand.

"So, do you know if he has feelings for you too?" Emma asked. "I don't know," I replied. "Did you try to talk to him about this?" Rhea asked. "No," I said. "Okay, talk to him and see what happens," Emma said. "Fine, I'll talk to him after some days," I replied. "Give us all the deets later," Rhea said and we dropped that topic.

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