Chapter Three

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School is fun because of the girls, Austin and Caleb. We sit in the last benches, talk a lot, play stupid games and make fun of teachers, but we also concentrate on the class. Today was a good day too. I and Rose are walking back home as we live close by. Suddenly I remember to ask about Caleb. "Rose, I've noticed the way Caleb looks at you. Do you think he has a crush on you?" I asked. "Wait what!? You think he likes me?" she asks. I reply with a yes. She's shocked to hear this. We decide on talking it with Kara and Sam after we reach home.

I took a quick shower and then waited for Rose to add me in the group call. I got a call from her and Rose said that she has already told Kara and Sam about our conversation. Kara speaks up, "Guys, I don't know, but Rose, if he has a crush on you then he might tell it to you sooner or later. Just don't think about it much." "Yeah Rose, I agree with Kara, I just thought of telling you. I didn't wanna make you tense." I said. Rose says, "D, it's fine, I'm not tensed, it's just, I don't know." and let's out a sigh. Sam replies, "Rose, chillax, we'll think about it if he says, till then don't worry." Rose calms down and then we just talk and get off the phone call.

I complete my homework and go downstairs to have my dinner. I help my mom set the table and we all sit down. My mom prepared my favorite, spaghetti and meatballs. After dinner, we sit down in the living room. My mom says, "Daisy, we are going to Boston to visit your grandparents this weekend." I jump on the couch with happiness. I get to see my grandparents and my friends. This is going to be so much fun. I came back to my room happily . I just text a few friends and check up on Emma and Rhea. They are clearly unaware about me visiting them this weekend.

The next day at lunch I ask, "Guys, I'm going to visit my grandparents in Boston this weekend. Can anyone of you accompany me to the mall? I need to buy a few things." I really wanted to buy something for my grandparents, Emma and Rhea. "Sorry Dais, but I have a family get together" replies Rose. Kara said she was busy too and Sam didn't come to school today as she was down with fever.

"D why don't you ask Aus and Caleb? I'm sure they'd give you a ride and accompany you." said Kara. I'm not sure about it but right now I really need someone to take me to the mall as my parents are busy so I might as well ask them. " Yeah Kara! Good idea, I'll ask them." Austin and Caleb walk over to us with their lunch. "Aus and Caleb! Can you guys come to mall with me? Kara and Rose are busy." I asked. "Sure, we don't have anything to do anyways." replies Caleb. Austin agrees with Caleb. I thank them.

After school, Austin drives the three of us to mall. We go into H&M and I buy some matching outfits. Austin helps me pick out some accessories. I get fluffy slippers, scented candles because my nana loves them and a watch for my grandpa. Austin and Caleb goof around the whole time but also help me in choosing the perfect gifts. On the ride back home, we play our favorite songs and sing on top of our lungs. Sorry to all those who heard us. We are such a neighborhood disturbance. They drop me at my house. "Thank you guys for the ride and helping me pick out the gifts." I said. "No problem." replied Austin and they drove home. I pack all of the gifts. I'm also making a photo album for Emma and Rhea. Let's just hope they like it.

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