Chapter Eighteen

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I decided to facetime Emma and Rhea. I told them my situation. "Look Dais, Austin seems like a great guy from what you told, but he just lost the best girl," Rhea said trying to cheer me up but that didn't help. "Listen, just tell him about how you feel. We never know what exactly was happening or what will happen. You're going to be doing the dare tomorrow right?" Emma asked. I nodded. "Well then, you'll know his reaction," she said. "I guess, I will," I replied.

"Don't worry, if God has something planned for you guys, it'll definitely happen," Rhea said. I simply nodded. "If not, then maybe you guys aren't each other's perfect endings," she continued. "But I know for a fact that I haven't felt this way for anyone except Aus," I replied. "Yes, we can see that. A you talk about is him," Emma joked. We laughed. "Hope for the best and call us tomorrow and give us the deets!" Rhea shouted before we hung up. They tried to cheer me up but that happiness only lasted till I got off the call with them.

I looked at the time and it striked 2.00 am. I can't believe today's the day I'm gonna confess to Austin, even though it's a dare according to Sam and Caleb, I'm genuinely going to tell him. I texted him: Hey Aus! I need to talk about something really important tomorrow. Actually, today.

What if he likes Nat? What if he never saw me in that way? What if everything becomes awkward after I confess? What if Nat hates me after this? What if he already knows about the dare and then tries to prank me back tomorrow? I had a millions thoughts like these going on in my head.

I couldn't sleep so I just decided to wake up and put on a good outfit and had my breakfast. Austin replied with an okay and that he would talk to Mr during lunch. While on the way, I met Rose and Caleb. We walked to the school and spotted Sam. Rose and Caleb were walking together while Sam and I were walking behind them. "Time for the dare!" Sam cheered. "Oh yeah!" I replied with fake enthusiasm. Hope everything goes well, I thought.

It is break time and I'm literally sweating. Honestly, I'm not ready for his reaction. "Let's go and enjoy their reactions!" Caleb said. I smiled and we made our way to the cafeteria. After, seeing all the people in the cafeteria I nudged Caleb and said, "Bro, I can't do this in front of the whole school. Why didn't I think of it before?" "Shit yeah! I forgot too. We don't want rumors spreading so let's just wait till after school," Caleb replied. Just then Aus came up to us and said, "D, you said you wanted to talk. What's up?" "We'll talk after school," I replied. "Yeah sure!" he replied and went to our table.

The last period bell rang and we were all dispersing. We all met at the school gate and we were walking back. Austin and I were walking in front while the others were behind us. "So?" he asked. "Ummm," I said and took a long pause. "It's fine, just tell," Austin said. "I honestly don't know how to say this to you," I said. "Go ahead!" he encouraged me. I looked at him in the eyes but put my head down again and said, "I uh think - no - I have feelings for you," I said in a small voice stammering.

He stopped walking and stopped me too. He put his hand under my chin and lifted my head so that I was looking straight in his eyes.

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