Chapter Five

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We all just woke up and it's currently 9.00 am. I was checking my phone and was shocked to see many messages from our friend Noah. I immediately checked the messages. "Guys, shit! Look at these messages," I screamed and started crying. Emma and Rhea read the messages and told me to call him quickly. I called him but he didn't answer. I continuously tried for five times but he didn't answer. Was it too late? I thought. All of us were in tears right now. Emma tried calling from her phone a few times and he finally answered with a ,"Hello?"

We all took a deep breath and Rhea spoke up," What are those messages? Are you freaking kidding us right now? You just tell you want to die and talk about all the negative things and deactivate your instagram account." He remains silent. Emma continues," Bro, you know you can solve and get through this. We are here if you want to talk to us about it. Don't you dare do this again." Again silence. I speak up," Noah, we've been through this. You said you'd never talk about suicide ever again. Why do you do this? Think about all of us, the ones who love and care about you. I know your life is a mess but you gotta try and not just give up hope." He finally replies," I am tired of trying. I feel like dying is better than living this life. Daisy, you understand me more than all of my friends but nowadays I feel like even you're not able to understand me." That line hurt me so bad. Was I not able to understand my close friend? I thought and just couldn't speak anything.

Rhea and Emma noticed the look on my face, continued the conversation and convinced him not to do anything. I just couldn't take it but I shouldn't let him know that his words hurt me. He'd just feel more guilty. So, I said," Noah, believe me, you can talk to me anytime. I'll always be there for you and don't ever try to commit suicide. We'll get through this together." He said," Yeahh!" And we ended the call.

Emma immediately said, "D, he didn't mean it. He's stressed out and just said words he definitely didn't mean." I just kept quiet and nodded because I didn't want them to worry about me. "Good, now let's get ready," Rhea said. We got ready and went downstairs to have our breakfast. All of us sat on the dining table and started eating. I just an faking my smile for my bestfriends and family.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed and Emma, who was sitting opposite to me motioned me to check the message. I was confused but checked the message. It said: I know you're thinking about what Noah said, don't fake your smile, I can see right through it. HE DIDN'T MEAN THOSE WORDS THOUGH. I replied: Okay! I'll try my best not to think about it and gave her a genuine smile. She smiled satisfied. It was time for our flight and we had to leave for the airport. On the way to the airport we were going to drop Emma and Rhea at their houses. We said our see you later's to my grandparents. Soon, we reached Emma's house. Emma said, "Bye! I will miss you so much. Call or text me anytime." I sniffled and said, "I will miss you too and you can text me anytime too." And then we reached Rhea's house. "I will see you later. I will miss you!" I said. She replies, "Oh! I'm gonna miss you too and don't you dare forget to call me everyday or else I'll come and kick you." I chuckled and nodded.

We got onto the plane and I miss them already.

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