Chapter Twelve

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Today, Kara, Austin and Rose were absent. We were in the cafeteria and eating our lunch. "Guys, shall we play Truth or Dare? I'm real bored," Caleb suggested. "You sure are, Austin isn't there but I'm down I'll play," Sam said. "I have a hunch that this is gonna end up bad but, whatever. Let's play!" I said. It was just us three so, we asked Luke and Jake to join us too.

We spinned the bottle and it pointed Sam, she chose truth. "If you could date any guy from our class who would it be?" Luke asked her. "Uh-oh, to be honest, Paul looks handsome so maybe, Paul and what we say here stays between us," she said with a threatening look. Luke raised his hands and said, "Yes ma'am." Now, it was Jake's turn and he chose truth too. "Jake, tell us your honest opinion about Kara. We won't tell her," I asked Jake. "Kara is beautiful inside and out. Her soul is so pure. She is so kind and giving. It just makes me like her more. She is at the same time cool and tomboyish. Kara is totally my type. I hope I can go out on more dates with her," he said. We were cheering. "Believe me bro, she feels the same way," I said. Jake looked so into Kara when he was speaking about her. "I totally ship you guys," Sam said. We all agreed and continued the game.

Caleb chose dare and we told him to flirt with one of our juniors and get her number. He did it. It was again Caleb's chance and so he chose truth. "Do you have a crush on anyone right now? If yes who is it?" I asked with a smirk. "Shit man! I can't tell," he replied. "Unfortunately, you have to, Caleb," Sam said. He made us promise not to tell anyone and finally said, "I have a biggest crush on Rose." I and Sam shared a look and I shouted, "I knew it!" "What do you mean you knew it? Was it that obvious?" he asked. I replied, "Believe me, the first day, we met at the mall, I saw the way you look at her and I just knew it. It is legit obvious. Oh my god! I can't believe my prediction is true." I said and kept the game going.

It was my turn again so I decided to go for dare. Caleb smirked and said, "You're gonna regret choosing dare now. You are going to build up tension between you and Aus. This weekend you're going to tell him that you've been growing feelings for him and we'll get his reaction." "You've got to be kidding me! That's going to be so awkward and uncomfortable. I hate you for this dare, Caleb," I said. "A dare is a dare," Jake replied supporting Caleb. "Fine I'll do it," I said and agreed. We continued the game for a bit and Caleb didn't even try to choose dare because he knew I'd make his life miserable.

It is 8.00 pm and all I can think about is the dare Caleb gave me. What if everything becomes awkward after the dare? What if he doesn't like me back? What if he likes me and confesses? Okay I'm definitely overthinking. There's no way he would have feelings for me. My overthinking was interrupted by my phone ringing. I saw that it was Austin who was calling me and answered the call. "Hey D! Are you free right now?" he asked. "Yeah I'm," I replied. "Can you just update me with the school work?" he asked and so I told him what happened in each class. "Also Dais, we are going to Starbucks after school, my best friend flew down from London to visit me, I wanna introduce you to her," he said. "Cool! I'll be there," I replied.

Who could the girl be? Maybe his girl best friend but does he like her? He never mentioned about her before, I thought and sighed. Anyways, he'll introduce her to me tomorrow, I thought and went to sleep.

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