Chapter Seventeen

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My alarm started ringing loudly. I groaned and turned it off. After, getting ready I went down to find a note on the refrigerator that said : Dais, I had to go for an urgent meeting. Have your breakfast at Starbucks. I love youu. xx" with the signature of my mom at the end. I smiled and saw that the time was 7.00 am. I put my airpods on and started walking to Starbucks. I ordered my regular Caramel Latte and blueberry muffin.

I entered the classroom to find that Kara was sitting with Jake. Oh how I wish they make it official already! Sam and Rose were sitting together and Caleb was sitting with Paul and I don't know why. The only place I could sit, was beside Austin but I didn't want to. So, I looked around and spotted Luke sitting alone. I went up to him and asked, "Lukey! Do you mind if I sit beside you?" "Firstly, yes you and can and secondly, Lukey? Like seriously bro?" he asked with a grossed out face. I laughed and replied, "Yes, and now that I know it'll annoy you, I'll keep calling you Lukey." "You're the worst," he said as I sat down. I didn't look at Austin for the rest of the classes but I will have to face him during the lunch.

And as expected, Aus came up to me, when I was standing beside my locker, waiting for the others and asked, "Are you okay?" I didn't look up but said, "Yeah! Why do you ask?" He lifted my chin up and said, "There's something wrong. You're not looking at me while talking and you've been ignoring me since morning." "No, there's nothing. Also, I didn't ignore you, you probably felt that way," I replied. He hummed reluctantly in response and we walked towards the cafeteria with the others.

Sam pulled me towards the washroom and asked, "Why are you ignoring Aus?" "Hehe! I'm good at acting then, I'm building up tension for the dare tomorrow," I lied to Sam. "Oh! I thought something happened," Sam said. "Nope, we're cool!" I replied giving her a thumbs up. She nodded and we went back to our table. The rest of the school day went by quickly and I managed to ignore Austin. "Where's Nat?" Rose asked. "She just texted me saying that she's still packing and that she'll meet all of y'all at the airport itself," Austin replied. "Cool," Kara replied.

We were walking back home. Caleb and Rose were walking together. Austin and I let them have their time. "Don't you think they'd make a cute couple?" Austin asked me. "Yeah, they would," I mumbled. He caught my hand and stopped me. "Caleb and Rose, you guys keep going. We will see you guys at the airport," Aus said and motioned Caleb to take Rose and go away. They went on their way. "Austin, why did you do that?" I asked. "What is wrong with you? Did I do something? And from when is it Austin for you?" he asked. I stayed quiet for a few moments. Aus let out a sigh. "It's not you. I'm just not in the greatest mood," I replied in a low voice and stopped my tears from spilling. He hugged me and said, "Fine. Take your time but you know you can always rely on me right?" "Yeah I know," I replied.

We all met at the airport again. "Guys, I'll miss you so much. I've known you guys only for a week but I feel like I've known y'all since forever. It was so much fun," Nat said while crying. I may not be happy about Nat kissing Aus but she's like a best friend to me now. "I'll miss you Nat. We'll meet soon," I assured and hugged her while crying as well. We all hugged her one last time before she disappeared in the crowd to board her flight to London.

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