Chapter Ten

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Sam and I are currently on our way to the football field. Rose and Kara couldn't come. We went inside and sat down in the the front row. Both the teams were warming up. "I don't even know how Scott, Aus and Caleb are going to be functioning as one team during the match. Aus and Caleb clearly dislike Scott," Sam said. "Well, I think they will, because they have to unite to win the match. Let's just see," I replied. She said, "I can't believe Aus actually didn't pick up any fight with Scott because you said." I just shrugged and soon the match started.

Even after the regular time and extra time the match was drawn and so, both the teams have to take a penalty shot. "Now who's gonna hit the penalty shot for our team? Aus or Scott?" asked Sam. "I don't know. Till now, they've played as a team. I'm sure at least Aus will be sensible enough to compromise if Scott tries to pick a fight," I replied. "Look, Henry is talking to Aus and Scott," Sam said. "Yeah I guess he's trying to sort out between the two of them," I said. Henry is the most famous in the school. He's the son of one of the most successful businessmen, but Henry is so down to earth. Henry is also a close friend of Aus and Caleb.

The other team hit the penalty shot but didn't score a goal. Now, it's Austin's turn to hit a penalty shot. I could see he was tense but at the same time confident that he could score a goal. He kicks the ball and it's a goal. Our school team won! Sam and I were cheering the whole time and I think we might lose our voices but it was worth cheering for them. After the match was over, Aus and Caleb walked towards us from the field and we went closer to the gate. "You played awesome guys!" I said to both of them. "You both are awesome atleast at one thing," Sam said sarcastically and laughed. I laughed too. "Hey! That's mean" Caleb exclaimed but chuckled. "I'm kidding guys, you were great on the field," Sam replied. They both smiled.

We went outside and waited for Aus and Caleb. While we were waiting, Scott came towards me and said, "Thank you for cheering for me babe." I'm slowly getting pissed off by his actions. I just ignored him. "Oh! So now you're ignoring me?" Scott asked. I saw Aus, Caleb and Henry walking towards us. "Just get away from here if you don't wanna get beaten up by them," Sam said and pointed to Aus, Caleb and Henry. They were running towards us. "Should I be afraid of them? I'm going to get beaten up. Help me," Scott sarcastically said. "Shit face," I muttered.

The three of them along with Sam stood beside me. "Now that we're outside and we won't get in trouble with the Principal. I'm gonna beat the crap out of him. Is that okay D?" Austin whispered to me. I didn't want them to get hurt too. I could see Scott's friends standing near the gate. Before I could say anything Scott said, "Wow guys! You can't even defend your best friend." Caleb punched Scott square on his jaw. Scott was about to punch him back when Aus stopped Scott and punched him. Scott's friends seeing this immediately came and it became a huge fight. Henry kicked Scott, as Scott was trying to twist Caleb's arm. Sam and I tried to stop them but we were in vain.

Right when, Aus was about to punch Scott again I held back Austin's hand. I waled forward and slapped Scott. "Don't you dare play with any girl's heart. You only want a girl for your pleasure. You just use them. Learn your lesson, shit face," I said. "That's what you get for trying to use Daisy," Sam said and we all left the field.

"D, you did the greatest thing by slapping him. That idiot deserved it," Sam said. "I'll have to go and wash my hand a hundred times with soap. Ewww! I touched his face," I said to lighten up the mood. Everyone laughed.

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