Chapter Fifteen

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I was woken up from my nap by a group call. "Guys, we just met a few hours ago. I'm sleepy," I groaned and said wanting to sleep. "Wake up sleepy head or you don't get to plan something special," Austin said. "What is it?" I asked with my eyes closed. "Caleb's gonna ask Rose out on a date," Sam said. "What!? I'm awake, I'm awake," I said. "We thought so," Kara replied. "So, what's the plan Caleb?" Nat asked. "Firstly, I'm going to ask her out on a date in an hour. So, I want you guys to call her and tell her to come downstairs to buy ice - cream or something. After she comes down, I'll be using a poster that says : Will you go on a date with me?. Let us hope for a yes and then plan the date. I'm coming to pick Kara and Sam. Dais, Aus and Nat are gonna pick you up," Sam explained. We all agreed on meeting by 8.00 pm at Rose's house.

We reached Rose's house and I got down the car. Caleb looked so nervous. "Caleb, calm down. Everything will go well bro," I said to him. He smiled and nodded. Kara called Rose to come downstairs. She looked from her bedroom window and was surprised to see all of us there. She immediately came downstairs. "What are you guys doing here?" Rose asked. Caleb stepped forward, showed the poster and with the bouquet of white lilies in his hand asked, "Rose, will you go on a date with me?" She had her hands on her mouth, not knowing how to react. This is too cute. Kara, Aus and I were taking as many pictures and videos of them as we could. "Yes, I will," Rose accepted. They hugged. We all cheered. "You remembered my favourite flowers," Rose said and smiled. "Obviously, I wouldn't forget," Caleb replied with a cheeky grin.

We decided to give them some together. We walked walked for sometime and went back to our houses. The next day, at school, we all sat down with Caleb planned out a cute date. He was going to take her to the dock. And, after school, Aus, Kara and I set up a table and a placed candles and fairy lights, while Sam and Nat were helping Rose get ready. The arrangement looked so cute and romantic. We facetimed Caleb to get his approval. "Caleb! What do you think?" Aus asked. "Bro! That looks lit. Y'all honestly are the best. I owe you guys," he said. "He liked it! Good job guys!" Kara said and we fist pumped.

Caleb wore a black button up shirt, a few accessories and his hair was on spot. He looked handsome. Rose was wearing a black turtle neck with a pink skirt. She was looking pretty too. "Enjoy your date and don't do anything I wouldn't approve of," I shouted before they both left the house. Rose rolled her eyes at me. I just winked at her and she blushed and smiled.

"We all should head home too," Kara said. "No guys, since we all helped Caleb, he wanted to thank us. So, he made reservations for us at a restaurant too. Y'all better get ready. Jake and Luke are gonna join us too," Aus said. "Really?" Sam asked. Aus nodded. We raided Sam's closet and got ready. We went to the restaurant. Kara immediately hugged Jake after she saw him. "Can you guys make it official already?" I asked. Kara and Jake just smiled.

We ordered our food and chatted for a lot of time. It was just a great dinner. I texted Caleb thanking him for the dinner. "I hope Rose and Caleb are having a good time," Nat said. "Oh they definitely will be having a great time," Kara said. Luke dropped me back home. "Goodnight!" I said. "Night D!" Luke replied.

Fool's GoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora