Chapter Twenty Three

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Soon, our exams began and all of us concentrated on our studies. We were all currently sitting in Caleb's living room. "Ahh! Finally we're done with our exams. I'm so relieved," Sam said. "Yes! The last week was stressful," Kara agreed. "So, where are y'all going for vacation?" Jake asked. "Well, I'm going on a vacation with my family to Australia," Rose replied. "I'm so excited for our football matches. Austin and I are gonna have a blast. I think we're going to San Francisco. Right Aus?" Caleb said. "Wait what!?" I exclaimed in shock. "Caleb, you idiot," Austin scolded and facepalmed. I just excused myself and went to the backyard.

Austin followed me. He started, "Look, I was gonna tell you. I-" I stopped him mid sentence. "I'm not mad that you didn't tell me earlier, I just am sad that I'll have to stay away from you for a while." He walked towards me, took my hands in his and said, "I'll miss you but I'm not too far okay? I'm just a call away." I felt like crying. I didn't want him to go but he has to. "Yes and don't you dare forget to call me everyday," I said with a cute threatening look. He laughed and nodded. We hugged and then walked back to our friends.

Austin has to leave in two days. It's almost been 5 hours since we are on a call. It's around 3 in the morning and I am not tired at all. I want to spend as much time as I can with him before he leaves for the matches for two weeks. "Dais, do you wanna go to the beach?" he asked. I could almost imagine his mischievous grin when he asked that question. "Right now?" I asked. "Yes ma'am," he replied. "For sure," I replied.

I immediately changed into a tank top and shorts. I just wore my hoodie well, Austin's hoodie. I may have stolen it. I took my skateboard and went down to see Austin waiting for me. He hugged me and we both skateboarded towards the beach. We reached the beach and believe me the view was breathtaking. We threw our skateboards aside and started walking while holding hands. "I always wanted to see the sunrise at a beach," he said. I smiled and be both sat down and just enjoyed each other's company.

"It's so beautiful," I said as the sun rised. "Yes, it is," he replied. He stood up and made me stand up too. We walked for awhile and I saw his stupid grin and I knew what he was thinking. "I know you're thinking of pushing me into the water. Might as well remove my hoodie," I said. He laughed. I removed my hoodie and then he pushed me into the water. I pulled him in as well.

He held me close. I rested my head on his chest. I could stay like that forever. He then put his hands on my face and said, "How did I get this lucky?" "I could ask you the same question," I replied. We held eye contact and he slowly started leaning in. I closed my eyes and leaned in. He kissed me gently. I could feel fireworks in my stomach. I never really dreamt about my first kiss but I just had the best one. On the beach, early in the morning with the guy who cares about me so much, I couldn't ask for more. We rested our heads together.

We walked slowly back to our houses. I slowly entered the house careful not to disturb anyone. I showered. I couldn't really stop replaying it in my head and soon I fell asleep. I called up Emma and Rhea and gave them the deets. "Did he drop the L-word yet?" Rhea asked. I shook my head. "Well, I'm sure he'll or you will do it sooner or later," Emma said.

All if us decided to meet at Starbucks evening. I told the girls about it and all they could go was scream. "Yayy! You guys kissed. Oh my god!" Kara exclaimed. I nodded blushing. We all talked for awhile and went back home.

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