Chapter Twenty One

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I was done with my homework and supper. Right when I was putting on my jacket to go out for walking, I received a message from Aus that read: Take a look on the porch, love. xx

I was puzzled but I opened the door and found a box neatly wrapped. I picked it up and slowly opened it. It was full of my favorite chocolates and a card that said: Go to the park, you know which one and try to find the other clue.

I quickly put the chocolates in the refrigerator and started walking to the park. I reached the park and found another box on the swing. There was a cute ring inside it. I made a mental note to scold him for spoiling me with gifts. I put the ring on my index finger and looked at the note. "This is definitely the last place I'm going to make you walk to. I'm sorry Dais. Go to OUR SPOT," the note said.

Immediately, I started walking to the cafe. There was a closed sign on the door. I was super confused. Then Maria, the elderly woman who owns the cafe opened the door and asked me to get in. I walked inside. The place was lit with candles and lights. There were no customers. Maria then gave me my favorite drink and a small card which said: You're beautiful. You're kind. You're sweet. Words can't describe you. Austin. xoxo

That's just the sweetest thing ever. I walked to the corner of the cafe to our table and I saw him waiting for me. I hugged him. We sat down and enjoyed our drinks. "The ring is so pretty. Thank you Aus," I said admiring it. "I'm glad you love it," he replied. "You didn't have to do all of this you know?" I said. He just shrugged and smiled. After our drinks, he stood up and made me stand up as well. He cleared this throat and looked a bit nervous. Is he going to do what I'm thinking he's going to? I thought and suddenly felt nervous and super excited.

"Daisy, we have gotten so close in such a small amount of time. You're now my priority. Let it be the little jokes we make during classes or the times we played football or the times we team up and prank the others, all these moments are so close to my heart. It's these little things that matter to me. You're not like all the girls, you're unique and I love that. I don't know if I'm popping this question too fast but will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. I was in tears. I just hugged him and said, "Austin, yes, I'll be your girlfriend." He hugged me tighter.

And soon, our friends came out cheering and clapping. They hugged us. "Let's go man!" Caleb said while bro-hugging Austin. "You guys make a cute couple. Don't let go if him. He's a gentleman. It feels like I'm seeing myself and my husband in you guys," Maria said to me. "I will not let go of him," I replied with a huge grin on my face. We took a few pictures and we decided to go back to our houses. Austin dropped me at my house. He got down the car and hugged me. He kissed me on my forehead and said, "Sleep tight Dais!"

After I stepped into my room, I pinched myself just to make sure it wasn't a dream and thankfully it wasn't. Obviously the next thing I did was to call Emma and Rhea and tell them everything. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That's so cute. Oh my god! My best friend has a boyfriend now. I can't believe it," Emma shouted. "He literally made it so freaking special. I can't believe it. During the holidays, I'm definitely meeting him," Rhea said. "Oh yes!" I said. Then, I quickly changed into my pajamas and laid on my bed. I'm officially Austin's girlfriend now, was the last thought I had before I fell asleep.

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