Chapter Seven

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The next day, during the lunch break I tell Kara, Sam and Caleb why I cried the day before. They all assure me that everything will be alright and that they are always there for me. While Rose and I are walking back home. I notice, Scott, known as the player of the school staring at us but I just ignore him and we walk away.

Days pass by and I've been catching Scott staring at me a lot of times. Currently, we are in the cafeteria and I can see him from the corner of eye staring at me. Feeling really uncomfortable, I decide to tell the girls. "Guys, I feel like Scott is staring at me for the past couple of days. It's getting really uncomfortable," I said. Kara tried looking at him and said, "Oh my god D! He's staring at you like a creep." Soon, the boys came and sat with us so, we drop the subject because we didn't want any fights.

Our history teacher just announced the groups for the project. Sam, Caleb, Luke and I are a group. Luke's a pretty cool guy. He often talks to us, but we ain't that close. We decide on going to my house after school to discuss about the project. The four of us walk to my house, freshen up and sit down in my room. I grab some snacks for all of us. We work on the project for a while. Sam got a call from her dad. She had to go because they were going out. Now it was only Luke, Caleb and me.

"Guys, can we play football?" I asked. I haven't played football in a while. "Sure, let's call and see if Aus is free," replied Caleb. "Luke, you okay with it?" I asked. "Yeah! I'm down," Luke said. "Aus said he'll be at the field in 10 minutes. So, we better hurry up," Caleb said. I change and we make our way to the football field. Austin was waiting for us. There were three guys playing already. When they saw us, they came up to us. "Wanna play a match against us?" one of guys asked smirking. Aus said, "No, thanks." The other guy shouted, "Oh! It's fine we know you guys don't wanna lose against us." That's it. How dare he say that? "In your dreams. Let's play and make it crystal clear about who loses in the end," I yelled back.

Luke then said, "We are four and y'all are just three." One of the guys, I guess his name is Patrick sarcastically said, "Like that girl is gonna make any difference in your team." Bro, did you just say that? I saw Austin's and Caleb's fists clenching and stopped them before they could beat the shit out of him. "We're gonna see about it in the match. Just be thankful I didn't catch you by your collar and kick your balls if you had any," I replied back. "Burnnnn!" shouted Caleb. Those guys were taken aback.

The match started and I'll be honest they're pretty good. It's been half an hour and both of our teams haven't scored. While Aus was about to hit a goal, I saw one of them pushed Aus down so that we couldn't score a goal. So they want to play the rough way. Let's do it! I dribbled the ball pushing past a guy and passed the football to Caleb. Caleb then dribbled the ball and scored a goal. "Wohoo! In your guys faces!" Luke cheered.

We kept playing and the score was 5-3. We won! "Now we know who's better," Aus said. I went and gave Patrick a handshake and said, "Good game." He said, "I'm sorry for letting you and your team down. Good game." I simply nodded and walked. Aus, Caleb and Luke were shocked. "Why are y'all staring at me?" I asked. "Why did you even do that?" Luke asked. "You mean the handshake?" I asked and he nodded. "He realized his mistake and it was honestly a good game," I said and kept walking to Austin's car.

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