Prologue/ Summary (MUST READ!)

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Carriers are rare highly valuable males that can carry children. Their children are highly valued for they are extremely beautiful, intelligent, and talented. Carriers and their children are so highly valued that many will pay billions of dollars, and go to extreme circumstances to have them in their possessions.

One problem though is their rarity for every five million men only one is a Carrier. Governments have made it law for every boy to get tested for being a Carrier at the age of fifteen. If they test positive then they are added to a secret government list and directed to doctors that specialize in Carriers' health and are sworn to secrecy.

When Liam Payne was tested at the age of 15 the test came back positive and as he reaches his twenties his body begins the preparation for its job as a Carrier and as his body prepares itself it put his secrets in the spotlight, his life in danger and heart at the risk of falling.

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