Druids and Loopy

896 37 2

Twins 2 years 2 months

Elisa 11 months

Pregnancy 5 months

Zayn's POV

Page after page. Words blurring together. No answers or solutions just words and more words.

"Please tell me one of you have found something!" Louis groans tossing the Great History of the World's Marvel to the floor in frustration.

"No, row Papa," Jeremiah loudly announces from his spot on the hotel floor where he is busily making a mess with his Legos.

"Sorry Jeremiah," Louis quickly apologizes. He tends to forget that certain behaviors in front of toddlers is not okay.

I glance over the sloppy notes that I have taken as I skim through book after book of Carriers and Carrier history. None of it is really an answer to our questions.

I found several brief paragraphs in various books about Diamond Carriers, but all there is how they are the rarest type, there has been none recorded to exist and that they were discovered by a group of druids in the 14th century.

"From my readings it says basically that Donum are cruel scientist that take credit for other people's work, blackmail their employees into working for them and are a part of the sex slave trafficking," Niall replies tossing The Real History of Donum back onto the pile on the coffee table.

"The Diamond Carrier was discovered by the druids in the 14th century and they're the rarest type and none have actually been recorded," I reply with a shut hating how we have found nothing in a week after hours of searching books and online.

"Well they clearly exist. We've all screwed one and he's our night light sometimes!" Louis snaps lacking the attention span to search through books and getting frustrated from our lack of acquiring any new information.

"I might have found something...I mean it's a maybe, but it makes sense. It talks of how the druids were one of the first groups that treated the Carriers as gifts and not tools or toys. It is said they had a Diamond Carrier in their care, but the Carrier had been murdered by some sick doctors from Medieval London. Ever since the Carrier study community has been waiting for years for a Diamond Carrier to reappear. There is not much else, but I think we should be looking into a Carrier and druid history connections," Harry suggests giving us another topic to search through.

"Lads?" a tired voice asks startling us from our conversation. Liam waddles over to us holding a cranky looking Elisa close to his chest. Elisa's eyes are red and puffy from crying from waking from her afternoon nap.

Liam is a little pale, bags are under his eyes, but he is not glowing, getting sick or unable to get out of the bed.

"What are you doing out of bed, love?" I ask getting to my feet meeting him halfway. I peck his lips and kiss our pouting daughter on the cheek. She just shies away rubbing against her Ama's chest too out of it for Baba's love at the moment.

"My back and hips are bothering me. I need to walk a little and I think our little girl is hungry. Did you give her any lunch before her nap?" he asks sitting down on the couch with Elisa snuggled into him sucking on her thumb with these big glassy green eyes looking at me.

"I'll grab her some Teddy Grams and some apple sauce," Louis says getting up to grab them from our packed bag of food.

"Thank you," is all Liam says as he tiredly and absently stokes Elisa's hair this glossy look taking over his brown eyes.

"How are you feeling today?" Harry asks him as we both settle down on the couch on either side of him.

"I'm okay guys really. Just tired... and I don't know how to describe other than just drained. I want whatever is causing this gone. I don't have any energy to play on the floor with my babies. I hate this..." he pouts resting his head on my chest allowing me to stroke his hair as Harry checks his temperature, checks his belly for any extra warmth or strange glow and asks questions like how he slept.

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