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Mahbub and Amir walked into the kitchen through the backdoor, laughing about something they're chatting about.

"Ooh!" Amir exclaimed, shushing Mahbub who's behind him.

"Ah! Love birds." Mahbub chuckled behind him.

They stealthily approached the couple who slept soundly in each others arm and Mahbub started recording them on his phone.

Their chuckles and movements woke the sleeping duo up.

"What's all this for crying out loud?" Amira griped in a sleepy voice.

Ali gruffed, stretching. "Is it morning already?"

"It's eight already, don't tell me you didn't pray." Amir cocked a brow.

"We did." He found Amira's hand on the spreading and held it.

"I'm sleepy." She mumbled.

"C'mon sleepy goddess, you've over slept."

"Can you two get lost?" She shot at the guys who were still recording them.

Ali faced them. "Want a show?"

"Spice it up." Mahbub gave him a thumbs up.

He faced Amira and couldn't help but chuckle at the hard face she had on. "Just one."

"I hate you." She grunted, sitting up and adjusting the neck of her hijab. They actually dozed off after praying Subh together.

"We're hungry." Amir yawned, plopping on a couch.

"And?" Amira shot him a frown.

"Cook for us. I can't wait for their meal else I'll turn into dust before it's ready plus the wait won't be worth it."

"Guess we won't even be having breakfast today. Mama's in the kitchen y'know." Mahbub added, doubling over the couch Amir sat on.

"Well then, order breakfast for us." She rubbed her eyes, stretching.

"Why do that with you around?"

"I'm not a cook."

"What do you guys want?" Ali asked.

"Chips, egg and chicken." Amir listed.

"And fruit juice, homemade." Mahbub added.

"We got all that?" Ali faced his wife.

"I'm not cooking!"

"We're doing it together." He stroked her chin, sat up.

"You guys peel the potatoes, I get what we need and you, your majesty, will be in an apron."

"Too bad we don't have one here." She flouted.

* * *

Amira walked into Ali making his breakfast, a qira'a playing from his broken phone.

She smiled to herself, content, all she could ask for now was to be real with him and him her.

Ali glanced at the door as he noticed another presence in the kitchen. "Need anything?"

She shrugged, approached him. "Maybe a hug?" And she wrapped him up from behind.

He smiled, turning the fries. "Were you missing me already?"

"Why would I?" She asked, lifting her head and resting her chin on his back.

"Cos you should." He turned and wrapped her waist with an arm, lifted her up and dropped her on the counter. "Right there."

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