the festival part one

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter here as I did making it for you all.

The festival part one

Alberto and Naruto were sleeping together as Naruto's eyes begin to slowly open, he saw Alberto holding him close.

Naruto felt refresh after the pleasant dream he had Last night, first was good then went to bad and then went back to being good again.

Naruto look at Alberto for a moment smiling calmly but then jump up realizing that they were both in their sea monsters form.

"ALBERTO!!!" naruto yelled waking up Alberto.

Alberto jump up in shock, "THE SKY BEEN LEAKING!"

All of suddenly the windows open up wide and it was Giulia pretending to play though bugle as the radio was on playing the real music of it.

Thank goodness her eyes were closed as both we're in shock and quickly ran down the tree and try to escape the backyard.

All of a suddenly Massimo came from the garden door thank goodness he was he wasn't looking at them he was carrying something.

Both quickly stop and ran behind the tree, not knowing a cat was watching them both.

Both quickly got themselves dried up and turn back into human.

Both were guessing to catch their breath, Naruto didn't we're still in shock as he felt like his tails were still there but they weren't.

Alberto grab Naruto and whisper into his ear, "Naruto relax it's called phantom tail, you will get used to it."

Massimo started talking, "Naruto! Alberto! It is time we start fishing!"

Both came out of hiding to and stand right next to Massimo, Naruto started talking but was a little nervous in his voice, "so... we'll be... going now?"

"Yes we are," Massimo said as naruto grab on to Alberto's hand tight.

"It's fine Naruto as long we're both together you have nothing to worry about the ocean," Alberto said trying to calm naruto down.


naruto and Alberto went fishing. 🚣

Giulia went to deliver fish to the people around town, it was her job to deliver fish 🐠🐟🐡

One of the places you went was the hotel where she got some delivery there.

she delivered fish at room 20, when the door open it was a woman that had red hair and blue eyes.

"Hello there, are you the one who's delivering fish?" She asked

"Why yes here's your delivery of, 50 fish, may I ask why why have you ordered this many?" Giulia ask as nobody would usually order that many.

"Well I'm having a bunch of people come and eat and we're going to need a lot of fish," she explained.

"Well you'll definitely be helping me and my friends, we're entering the Portorosso cup," Giulia said as she smiled.

"Oh that sounds great, maybe I'll be there to cheer you all on," she said before closing the door.

Giulia went to room nine she knock at the door to delivered fish 24 to a man who had orange hair red eyes and whisker marks.

"Hello there," he said with a friendly but a little bit creepy smile.

"Hi I'm here deliver you the fish you ordered," Giulia said as he handed her the money.

"Thank you for bring the fish to us, it definitely help us out," he said before closing the door with his fish.

Giulia left as she had a uncomfortable feeling about that man she saw.

Giulia had to deliver all the rest of the fish, when she was done she got back to the main point in town where she saw on the docks, Naruto and Alberto we're back.

However it was not what Giulia was expecting, the whole entire boat was filled of fish.

Alberto even had to scare some of the seagulls away from the fish to make sure they wouldn't take them away.



Giulia was speechless 😶

Massimo was right behind both of them, he was smiling and proud of them as Giulia came down to them.

"Your friends really do know fish," Massimo said as he we're proud, "well a deal is a deal," he handed her the money to sign up as well both naruto and Alberto got paid for helping him.

Everyone in town we're getting ready for the festival, decorations we're coming up, everything was getting set up.

Alberto soon went around town alone, wondering what he could do with the money has.

It wasn't enough for the Vespa but it was something he could buy for his friend.

But what was he going to buy?

To be continuum

I hope you all did enjoy this.

This was part one of the festival, really all that happened was the festival was going to start today but what happened later tonight.

Alberto and Naruto have money now and going to spend it on something.

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